Things pile up in the studio. Pretty dresses that has been left over from a
photo shoot, the kids old toys and made things that I just can't separate me
from, and other good to have things. Some day I should get a big barn to
store my things and myself in.
This looks like a nice barn house, a bit stylish maybe.
but it looks pretty tidy...love your studio...
That penguin is so cute!! :)
Your studio looks great but I can sympathise with the need for a big barn!
a big barn... it would be nice anyhow ;)
it astounds me that you consider this a 'piled up' look .....it is sleek ,streamlined and uber gorgeous....
I would die rather than show you my studio now.
yes, come now Elisabeth, that studio is far from piled up, it looks like the nicest place to while away some time, surrounded by all those lovely things. like jaboopee, i would rather poke my eyes out and/or die than show you the full horror of my studio. i aspire to living standards as high as yours! ha ha!
Iris would LOVE that little Pingu - it is Pingu isn't it?
I dont see anything piled up but I see stuff piled up when I look around myself. You have it pretty much tided up. It is an organized mess.
And I see that I just repeat what others have said above...
Ja det håller jag med om! En stor
lada skulle sitta fint!
samma sak för mej. O alla barn som kommer hem till oss nuförtiden tycker dock att "alla roliga saker", som vi brukade ha hemma överallt, är borta..allt är i ateljén..
fina klänningar! spara! ;)
Nath, I belive that the Penguin is from the 70's, so an early Pingu maybe.
elisabeth, if you ever feel you have too many pretty dresses left from all those photoshoots, just send them over to me. I'll make room for them! :)
All of things are so lovely-
Especially, a blue print dress is so cool thing! I like it-
I know the feeling! there are always so many things one wouldlove to hold on to but sometimes its just nice to give things away and make some new space...
loving that blue top! did you make it? who's the designer?
You have such a beautiful, inspiring work place! No wonder you can't let go of those gorgeous dresses and adorable toys - they add so much atmosphere and must provide lots of creative fodder!
much neater then mine
i always love these sneak peeks into your studio
i need a barn myself
A barn! Yes, indeed. Just right for five sets of dishes, far too many books, countless tins and old buttons and what-nots and essentials. I shall commence looking...
gorgeous pics!
Det ser på en gång både så vilsamt och så uppiggande/inspirerande ut. Jag vill hoppa in i dina bilder och *pyssla* :)
Sweetie Pie Bakery, the blue dress is from the 60's, isint't it pretty.
hähähä. så ska det vara! hyr nåt riktigt dyrt till sakerna, det är dom värda! en lyxlada! (annars kan du hyra våran. som vi hyr. om de tär ok att grejorna trängs med ved och sparkar) ;)
i love the rug and the lamp! i keep staring at them...
Your studio looks so nice.....
Love that penguin... and all the studio!
The dresses look so lovely! I know what you mean, I need a whole farm of barns...
well you can have your barn only if you promise to share the magic inside it now and again ...okay ?X
let''s have tea at your studio
Många fina grejer var det här!
beautiful, beautiful blue dress! That barn is great, a bit too stylish, indeed;)
This dress looks like a 60s Batik dress... I always look for something like this in Indonesia now. But they are so rare now.
du verkar ju ha det finaste huset någonsin!!
beautiful studio space no wonder youre creative. I love barns I love the solid structure and the lofty ceilings. You can feel they are built to last. Oh and I love the Lena Corwin plate in the background.
lovely studio:)
so in love.
is that pingu? :)
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