My cooking interest have been non-existent the last 10 years. The interest
faded when I met my husband, the greatest chef. But it slowly coming back
to me now, the pleasure of cooking. Today, an ordinary omelette.
Adventures are waiting. The whole family are taking a course in down hill
skiing this weekend. We're going up north tomorrow. And, what we've been
longing for quite a long time now - we're bringing home our cat on monday.
Anonymous Works.
beautiful faded colours on that cookbook..
vilken fantastiskt fin bok! känner igen mig i det där med att hitta en bra kock och själv sluta laga mat. gjorde en omelett förra veckan i ett försök att laga mat igen. hehe. grattis till katt, vad roligt! åh!
hurray for the cat! i agree with lee, the colours of the cookbook ar lovely
lovely post!!
Hallo Elisabeth
As many others, I can see, I think your blog is fantastic, I am picking up a lot of inspiration daily, and I just want to give you a link to my new blog:
Thereby I hoper to give you some inspiration back.
Kind regards Rikke Storm
We had a simple omlette for breakfast this morning too!
I love your new cat - s/he's soooooooo cute!
the cook book looks great! I can't rely on my husband in the kitchen, he wash the dishes though...have fun with downhill and the cat ^..^
Men herregud så söt! Otroligt fin kisse.
I feel like making food is an easy way to give positive vibrations for gratitude. Easy to enjoy making and enjoy eating.
marvelous cookbook, you got a very cute blog.
va ska katten heta?! :D
Congrats on the new kitty!!! I love my cats - they are such a comfort and cozy and warm. The best toy is a laser pointer, if you don't have one you should get it for the new addition to the family :)
Lisen, han ska heta "Hirohito" efter en japansk kejsare, "Hiro" kort kallad :)
Letter Paper Flower, thanks for the tip. We'll have to get us one :)
oh yes, the cat!! can't wait!
lovely cookbook
sometimes the most simple food is the best -)
Suuch gorgeous photos and so are the book and plate.
I'm the same with cooking, although I don't have a chef husband. I grew up in a very gourmet family, and have no/little interest in cook, go figure! :)
Can't wait about the cat!
oh oh, sounds exciting! and i agree with you, there was time when i fell out of cooking, but now i really have been doing it a lot. i like to read cookbooks. :) yours is very beautiful! nice colour, it has character too.
u'll have great time, envy u guys again :) and I think the vintage stuff's color and painting have always beautiful feeling! lovely mood, right?
Enjoy skiing! It's the best sport ever!
I'm not just saying that because I'm an avid skiier :)
God resa! Å tack för senast:)
my ex-boyfriend was the best chef. When we split i couldn't deal with my own lousy meals, so i tried my best. I really enjoy cooking, it makes me feel so relaxed, although the end-result isn't always exactly like the picture.
such a nice post. beautiful book! and how exciting to have a cat!
lyllos er!! har kollat på OS och saknar bergen...
hiro är ett perfekt katt-namn! vi körde också med laser när little mo var yngre, hon fullkomligt flög runt lägenheten. nu är hon gammal tant och vill bara ha mat :0)
I want to leave a comment for 2/18's article actually, but I don't need Japanese zakka, so enter in here...
I felt so happy to know everybody who visit this blog wants Japanese zakka and seem to be interested in Japan!
Please forgive my English, I just say thank you so much for makin' me happy again!!
i hope your kitty is a rescue!!! very adorable.
are you swedish? gud vilken söt gammal kokbok! :)
christina, hej. Japp, jag är svensk :)
I like this picture, the soft colours.
It looks like the book was very loved once,
wonder what the favourite recipe was.
the most simple food is better than some other! this book looks fantastic! wow! what colors!
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