
The carpets, all the time. Guilty - Hiro.

I'm enjoying Jayme McGowan's and Jennifer Murphy's blog.



Rebecca said...

Oh, he's gorgeous! I love the set up of furniture in the first image, and all the framed artwork.

Julia da Franca said...

... and I'm enjoying your blog!! ALWAYS!!
can't stop looking at hiro's "guilty" face!

Gudrun and Iris said...

nice one! lovely room in the first. and any cat in the world enchants. it's what they do :)


Drömma-Lotta said...

Oh, så mycket fint.
Har lånat bilder utan att fråga och länkat till dig idag.

Är det ok?
Smäll mina fingrar annars.
Japp, tack för en aldrig sinande källa till inspiration <3

Fine Little Day said...

Julia, how very nice to hear, thanks!

Lotta, selvfölgelig :)

Shelly said...

That is the cutest cat I've seen in long while and I'm cat person.

By the way: I love the living room/art work on the wall.


naa said...

hehe, he's so cute! :) and your living room also!
hugs from a rainy town...*

sara said...

snygg matta, klart han vill!

Aurélie Aimé said...

I'm in love with your kitty! Which type is it? Mine is the same colour but very very hairy!

Fine Little Day said...

A kind of magic, he's a Devon Rex.

Lovely World said...

We have three cats. And yes, they do their own version of interior decoration.

lisen said...

:) Här också. Snubblar på dem. Vad fin han är! Är han fullvuxen nu storleksmässigt?

Jane O Sullivan said...

the cheek of him !
but then those eyes .....butter wouldnt melt
I love the wintry light in your room and all the lovely cushions and drawings and ....and ....
Really enjoyed the last posts on your friends home space

Fine Little Day said...

Lisen, det antar jag att han är. 1 år nu i slutet på november. T & O har planerat kalas!

Dear Jane, o yes he's a sweetheart :)

sandra said...

hehehe! å vad stor han blivit och vad fin han är. och fint har ni det såklart också. finfint.

Louise said...

naughty kitty!

annamaria potamiti said...

Lovely first photo-the light is superb-
cute cats come with a price..!;)
I have just gone through your last few postings that I had missed- oh I love this house you have been photographing- great stuff- thank you for the conitnuing inspiration!

Ana Degenaar said...

I love that photo wall!

Flotsam Friends said...

I love the artwork and that green mat! And as for Mr Cat, he's divine (if not a little startled). Pruxxx

Maria Riazzoli said...

Underbara bilder!!

jen said...

Thanks for posting my link Elisabeth~ As always, I'm enjoying your blog too!

Anonymous said...

these are lovely blogs, thank you for sharnig them with us!
Hiro looks so cheeky! has he been scratching the carpet? my cat always does this too (but she doesn't care if she gets caught) ..

Fine Little Day said...

Olly, o yes Hiro does that all the time. We have a scratch board to him, but he don't care at all about that. But the carpets he likes, and sometimes he scratch on the sofa, naughty cat ;)

MAD said...

Den tavelväggen är så väldans tjusig.

Tash said...

Oh what a gorgeous kitty!

Makeminemidcentury said...

Wonderful photos!

I'd forgive your cat ... he's so majestic!

Kylie said...

Oh that face! :) Kx

WSAKE said...

looks like hiro is a carpet surfer! i just got your prints - i LOVE them!

med nål och tråd said...

Levande katt och levande matta :)
Vem kan motstå ett par så blå kattögon? Inte jag i alla fall.

emma said...

hoho, sådär ser det ut i vårt kök all time, men det beror på ... alla oss som bor här. går o petar tillbaka mattor med tårna hela tiden.


Eleni Psyllaki said...

Amazing cat! Unique beauty!

Unknown said...

i have long been a fan of both amazing ladies. those bears pull at my heart strings! and those paper cuts...genius!
oh, and Hiro, what a handsome lad he is!!

; said...

alltså jag dör, han är den sötaste av sötaste!!
snyggt med grankvistarna i vasen.

ann-mari said...

my cat henry does that too! does Hiro like sitting in big paper bags? My cats do, I just brought them back a big muji bag yesterday :)

Fine Little Day said...

ann-mari, if Hiro likes sitting in paper bags? - Indeed :)!

objects of whimsy said...

Dont look at me!!! I didnt do it!
AAAAHAAAHAAA Hiro cracks me up he is such a character.
Reminds me of a dog we once had we came into the dining room with teapot, the chocolate cream cake which was on the table a few seconds before GONE!! and dog sitting next to table with the same 'dont look at me' expression on her face the only give away of what had happened was the little dob of cream on her nose.

ida sundin asp said...

så underbart fin katt! verkligen. ser så mysig och söt och snäll ut.