"Tuff och Tuss" swedish comics from the 50´s.
I never had an animal when I was a kid, and I really didin't know much about cats
before we got Hiro. I read a couple of books and browsed facts on the net, but the
real learning is now when he's here. I'm so amazed, I mean 12 weeks old and he
he knows where to find the cat box after I just showed him once. Wow they're so
smart. I'm a bit intrested in "clicker training for cats". I'm becoming manic.
Minoridesign, sweet pin cushions.
gorgeous comics. and thanks for link on clicker training - sounds really interesting.
i love the look of these comics they are so old school.
i love these comics!
what adorable comics! Cat are so smart, it's amazing isn't it?
klickerträning för hund ska vara jättebra har jag hört, har inte testat dock... gick dock på hundkurs i början nör stina va liten o en helt ny värld öppna' sej, ett nytt språk! hundfolk hästfolk kattfolk, det är mycket intressant man får ta del av tack vare djuren! :)
vitamins for the eyes ^^
#11 is definitely one of
my favorite covers. And
of course #6. Thanks to
you for introducing me
to Tuff och Tuss!
Måste vara den sötaste serietidning som funnits!
Trevlig läsning. Vilket härligt skrivbord hon har. Ett sådant vill jag också ha. Fina illustrationer också.
jag älskar de där gamla seriealbumen så fiiina.
these illustrations are amazing. & so is your cat! Hiro is so adorable!
you've already posted issue number 6, haven't you? i love these characters and colors!!
thanks for sharing :D
misako mimoko, yes I have. You have a sharp eye ;)
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