He's here now. Meet Hirohito Yoda, also called Hiro.
The thinnest, most wrinkled with least fur and the biggest ears among his siblings, he even have a slightly undershot.
Some may say he's a little wierd looking - but oh not us, we say our Hiro is the coolest, punkiest and sweet looking
cat around!
A new life has begun. He's asleep now, he wasen't this night.
Scout Book, your art on a pocket-sized notebook.
Gini Helie's, or Milenka's 2 new songs on Myspace.
åååh! han är jättefin!
He is beautiful!!!!!!
Hello Hiro!!!! :)
oh my goodness! aaaaawww! i think hero might just be the cutest kitty ive ever seen - apart from my 3 that is! i love him! i bet he is going to have the most amazing time living with you and your family. :-0
welcome hiro - have a nice time... i hope, it is not too cold for him ;-)
what a beautiful cat!! Oh my, he's great!
the cutest with the coolest name! and he already fits your surrounding perfectly x
I feel he'll be happy at your place!
Åhhhhh det sötaste jag sett på länge, vilken liten heting han är!:)
Hekt Underbar är han! Lille vän! Ni vet väl om att på finska betyder Hiri; mus. Ni kankse kan kalla honom Hiro Hiri ;)
Ulrika, nej det visste jag inte, Hiro Hiri, vad kul jag gillar.
Åh, jag är så avundsjuk! "Mina" katter flyttar om en månad ://
congratulations! so punk so cute!
Han matchar ert hem. :) Nu är väl barnen glada? Majas katt Ester väcker mig fortfarande varje natt. Det är lite som att ha bebis. Ha det fint!
han är verkligen jättefin! vad jag blir avundsjuk. jag ska komma o provklappa sen så får vi se vad han ger för allergi utslag:)
vilken karaktär! åh, känslan av ett nytt djur i huset.. -Antar att ingen vill gå till skolan? Hoppas det är sportlov hos er nu! :)
Awh, those eyes! I know many people don't like this types of cats but I never understood why. He's precious.
So sweet! I love that he has some fur on the tip of his tail :)
What a great name!
aaaaaaaaaw <3
He so cute!!! cornish rex - Uska says hello to him, miumau!
so cute hiro :)
I wanna live a cat together~
how cutest hiro!!
oh,and new song is so unique★
Just little bit japanese and india,
so unique, Thanks
i think he's cute, great name too.
wow! vilken katt. söt. hej hiro!
hello and welcome mr. hiro :)
I like big-eared animals!
ooh i love him - how fun for you!! xx
ha ha så cool han er! fantastiske øre! velkommen til Hiro!
han passar dessutom in perfekt i er svala , coola inredning
oh my word! the picture of him sleeping is so cute =^_^=
i love hairless cats!
i'm jealous. :)
aahhh he is so beautiful! might need a woolly jumper and leg warmers!
han ser underbar ut! jag ska antagligen åka och hämta min kattunge nästa vecka. en till :)
gorgeous cat! just beautiful. kind eyes, too. i love your blog!
I like his name!
he has kind eyes.
nice to meet you Hiro
oh my!!! so so happy.
So delicate colours!
say goodbye to your sofa arms and say hello to the magical world of cats.
My cat from Brazil says hi to Hiro
wowee he's wonderful.
Nämen dra mig baklänges på en liten vagn, gud vad gullig! Kan precis tänka mig hur mjuk och varm han är!
· { hvor er han fantastisk } ·
åhhåhåå så söt! verkligen en jättefin katt Hiro, vilken liten karaktär. Så roligt för er:)
Jag vill klappa!
Hello, Hiro! What a cutie :)
Very cute! I love your blog - I think you'll like mine too: ellenitza. Stop by when you have a minute.
i am so strangely attracted to your cat! looks like the softest thing! :)
Gosh, so sweet!!!!
men så fin han är.
Congratulations!!! Oh, enjoy him - having a pet is so crucial for a cozy life, I think. You got really beautiful photos of him - not always easy with cats!
I love him! Welcome, Hiro!!
so so cute! mine is old and balding on the tummy. almost looks like yours :)
he perfectly match your place, like if he's already owing the room & furniture:)
aw yay! too cute and those eyes look very wise and playful
His skin looks like a peach skin :)
I have been waiting to see this baby. Sweet! Did you see Mr. Bigglesworth in the Austin Powers movies? (Just google Mr. Bigglesworth)
Lovely World, yes Mr. Bigglesworth looks like a Devon Rex :)
Han är underbar!
I love your new little family member...SO CUTE!
all i can say is absolutely adorable:)
oh hello little kitty. you are adorable x
MIOW says my Burmese Coco. Oh and 'don't scratch the furniture'
So cute! Does he know Mr. Bigglesworth?
I am glad that he is in this seasons colours (pinky browny kind of lovely hues )
.......good cat hiro x
welcome to your new home , you look perfect in it already :)
he's so cute!!!
oh, he is so adorable! especially wrapped up in the blanket. makes me want another rex kitten...
ÅHH!! så otroligt fin!! han ser så gosig ut med de där öronen, ögonen, PÄLSEN, allt;D grattis och välkommen!
oh, isn't he sweet!? So cute asleep under that blanket! Punk-cat
my boy and i think hiro is a pretty cool cat.
What a sweet baby. He is gorgeous.
That picture with him under the blankie is so cute.
congrats on the new addition...he's beautiful!
Åh, han är underbar. Jag försöker övertala min man, men han säger prompt nej. Hiro, bra namn.
Never seen so beautiful blue eyes!!! He is so special, so wonderful!!! hugs *Marie*
En katt brukar liksom vara en katt.
Men den här katten liknar ingen
annan jag har sett. Vilket underbart litet djur.
Som sagt; han ser ut som en pokémon!
omg so cute! i want to cute his head :-)
Han är underbar!
SO gorgeous! and beautiful photos too.
awww. i love him with his little blanket.
OH MY - how HANDSOME he is! Welcome Hiro! What a lucky family. Enjoy his awesomeness. My little guys, Ming & Miso, also send their best wishes to your newest feline prince. xo
I'm sure Hiro will be very happy with all your family! Hiro is definetly... something special.
He is absolutely gorgeous! I like his name!
I once had a long term relationship with a man who's roomate bred these kind of cats - I found them to wonderful and amazing friends! I have many fond memories of sleeping with the mom, dad, and their many children sleeping in a pile under the covers with me. They love to be warm, and therefore love to CUDDLE! Keep that baby warm! xo sharilyn
just to cute
Otroligt vackra bilder! Jag längtar efter att se mer av honom :)
Åhh, grattis till lilla katten! Det vore roligt att ses nån dag E! Hälsningar från mig och Hans och Olle och Maja.
awe he is so cute I have never really liked this kind of kitty. BUT he is way to cute
wow! she is amazing.
He´s so wonderful!
Beautiful Hiro :)
hiro is one cool cat indeed! welcome little furless friend :)
welcome home mr. dreamy eyes!
he's adorable!
He's soooo sweet! I love hairless cats and hope to get one when I move to a place that allows pets. I look forward to seeing more of Hiro in future blog posts. :-)
I LOVE HIRO. I think you need to print t-shirts with a picture of him on the front and the words I LOVE HIRO on the back. You would sell millions because everyone will fall in love with him because he is simply beautiful! xo lj
having cats around is just wonderful. he looks very happy and at home - look how he's snuggling up under that blanket... :)
I remember the first days I had my dog, it was very emotional. Have fun with your new companion, he's ravishing and you choose the greatest name for him.
Åh han hade inte gillat att vara ute nu :) Väldigt söt, vilka ögon. Lycka till.
haha I like Hiro!
oh he is adorablel! his coat looks mauve - he's lovely.
Hiro is so sweet!
oh my! oh MY! lovely times ahead...
oh mah gah. that is THE cutest love bug!!! i have a cornish rex - similar breed. they have amazing personalities! so so cute.
He is a beaut! I cant wait till I can have a lil Devon Rex of my own to love <3
Wow! It would be fun to see him some day, I just adore that type of cats ^^
I have one myself who looks just like Hiro, but with some fur on, hahah :3
And I love the name, I just started thinking of a anime character from Spirited Away known as Haku. Oh well, I'd better not start a blog on my own here - see you later on :)
Mira, vad kul hej! Gör det, blogga på. Glöm inte att skicka en länk till mig när du är igång bara.
Ja absolut ^^
Men jag har bara en fråga, fixar du bloggdesigner & sådana saker? Skulle verkligen behöver hjälp med det .__.
Maila mig bara Mira, så hjälper jag dig!
Oh so cute! What a great addition :)
Han är så himla fin. Jag känner igen honom då jag tittat på den kullen på hemsidan många gånger. Hans syster bor hos min kompis. Jag har inte träffat henne i verkligheten än. Jag längtar.
malo, nej vad kul. Är det Heddas matte du känner då?
i love hiro!!! ♥♥♥
i keep coming back to look at this cutie. He's just amazing.
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