He´s been sick all week end. Probably a side effect of the swine flue vaccine he got a couple of days ago.
Fever and no energy. Today he´s in a better mood. First sunday in advent and our christmas decoration has
started. Next on the agenda - a gingerbread house.
Rosemarie Auberson.
I just want to say i love your blog, it provides me with much inspiration and happiness
Millie, thank you so much :)
Hope he feels better! I can't wait to see the pics of the gingerbread house ;)
Your pictures never fail to bring a smile to my face!! You are on my daily read!!:)
Big Fan of your inspiring posts,
Aw, hope he's better soon.
Can't wait to see the gingerbread house!
Quiet handcrafts are good for sick children. Hope your boy is better soon. My son will have his tonsils out at the end of December. I'm already thinking about how to keep him occupied as he recovers.
jag som inte har vaccinerat vare sig mig eller barnen än, usch vad läskigt allt det där är!
yes! people in my neighbourhood are putting out christmas decorations too!
I hope otto feels better soon.
I love making images with those plastic circle things!! I don't remember what they are called....!!
i love the second picture! the little golden light coming from the middle top, it's so lovely. i'm so excited for christmas!
The first photo is just beautiful!
can't wait to see your gingerbread house, hope Otto will be better soon.
I didn't know you could get alphabet frames for hamma beads, could be very useful! hope he feels better soon. Gingerbread houses should have helped.
cool a gingerbread house..I"m sure there will be photos
Clare, hamma beads so thats the name, thanks. In sweden we call it "Indian pärlor = indian pearls".
hope he feels better!
have fun with the gingerbread house! i made one once when i was little.. a lot of fun!
vi hade julskyltning här idag och jag hängde upp en julstjärna i ateljén, det är helt overkligt att det är december nu alldeles snart...?! Fattart inte.
funny - i just bought and put together a red version of that same star :^)
my boys also had the swine flu, but they seemed to get a much milder version than we adults did. hope your boy feels better soon!
such nice pics!
Hope he's feeling better soon. Lovely festive decorations - they always make the house feel so happy :) K
I like the star!
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