Three hours after lunch time it´s dark like the night, and I just want to go to bed.
Sweden feels quite depressing this time of year.
Besides being availble in my shop you can find my print at Göteborgs Konstmuseum, at Mieke Willems shop,
Kidults shop in Barcelona, The Shiny Squirrel and soon at Little Paper Planes.
Brion Nuda Rosch´s art.
Hansel from Basel fall/winter 09 collection with photos from Nicholas Haggard.
hi elisabeth, same here. the weather is really depressing. this week only rain. hope it'll be better soon. not many chances to make pictures as well, and thats frustrating. but you have some nice ones here!
thanks for the link!
oh yes, it's been awful here, rain, rain, rain, gloom, more rain and high winds. the internet is so slow that i can't even upload pictures to my blog, so i haven't blogged in almost a week!
such a shame, because i have been making and crafting all week!
wow. i don't know if i could deal with the darkness so early...it is gloomy here in washington but your blog is a little sunny spot for me each day. thank you :0)
Like the tree that looks like a present :)
Oh, I'm glad I'm not alone in this. I, too, felt like going to bed as soon as it got dark which was at around 4. Yuck!
We can make it through! Yes we can!
Maybe hibernation should become fashionable.
snyggt jobbat med alla återförsäljare! ja man vill bara krypa till kojs:)hoppas vi inte lämnade allt för mycket kaos i er studio, vi fick så brått för jag skulle jobba:(
to tie ribbons around the melancholic trees is the best thing to do :)
wow, well done for having your print sold in so many great places! The early dark is getting me down too. It's so disorientating! x
cool photos dear i hope the weather cheers up :)
What gorgeous photos! I can't imagine it being so dark so early in the day. Even in winter it's not dark till 6pm here! That art work is just divine - thanks for the link :) K
Hi Elisabeth
Ireland is much the same this time of year. It is dark & damp & cold by 5pm...I stare out at my garden, but all the trees are bare & the grass is frosty!
Only thing left to do is light a fire & enjoy the warmth.
Oh, & a good book helps!
Wind and rain and thunder and lightening here... Not very festive feeling. And yes, dark at five...
And it's only November. Sigh.
But at least we have gorgeous blogs like yours to cheer us up. Elisabeth!
Cheer up Folks with this video:
(Friendly Fires "Kiss of Life")
It is so dark here too [scotland] we can barely get any work done before the darkness rolls in...
...we are so sleepy too. I swear I am supposed to hibernate like a bear ;)
Åh, fint med rosetter i trädet!
Thank for the posting the LINK!
Longer days are ahead of us, the Bay is crisp and chilly as well...
such a sweet photo pairing.
your added details are fabulous.
i know what you mean about feeling sluggish when the weather is cold, dark and grey....
the only thing that helps me is lots of tea and sweets!
and putting on some good music.
Same thing about the weather around here in Helsinki. I'm going nuts with all this darkness!
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