no way, that is more then wonderful...last year we did try to make a dutch Grachten house, guess it did look more like a garden house,lol guess it"s time you come to see me...need some help with my house
Wonderful! I feel all inspired now, have to go home and bake. If u want a christmasgift, theres a pair of earrings as a give-away over at my place! Love, love!
i never did one before, but this one makes me reconsider my former habit... where did you get these cookie cutters? i`m afraid they are not available in germany...
waou! i Love the ginger house!! and mummmmmmins!! oh i tried to make biscuits but i almost broke a tooth trying eating it!and you should have seen my hands full of raw dough like i had heavy gloves on! ah im a fighter i will get to make a good biscuit! hope mr Otto feeLs better! dawmed flue vaccin!
Fantastik hus! That one guy looks like Gena, I am sorry, maybe that is what Moomin reffers too. I am also ready here for gingerbread cookies. But we will eat them before Christmas. I am sure.
I found your blog through Angry Chicken and I am SO GLAD because I found this Moomin Gingerbread house and it brought back fond memories from when I lived in Finland a year ago as an Exchanger!! Thanks so much and please share more Holiday Spirit, Scandinavia knows how to do it right. Happy Moomin Holidays!!!
oh, i like it like that!!!!!!!!!
Å så fantastisk fint hus! Og så utrolig fin tapet i bakgrunnen, hvor er det fra?
I LOVE this, thank you so much for the pattern links!
amazing! gingerbread houses are so festive :)
Just cause it's a MOOMIN gingerbread house makes it that much more awesome! :D
The Rosy Cheeks Blog, Kaspar & Saga från Sandbergs:
ack! so cute!
and with that wallpaper! great.
yes, if the kitchen is messy then there was delicious fun at work.
Oh wow!! I LOVE it!!! So gorgeous. Thanks for the link :) K
Å tusen takk :)
oh! it's lovely! i like it being a little bit messy. Do you dare to eat it?
Såklart vill vi också göra muminhuset. Men tror inte jag vågar äta Lilla My. Hon biter nog tillbaka.
Tack för länk.
no way, that is more then wonderful...last year we did try to make a dutch Grachten house, guess it did look more like a garden house,lol
guess it"s time you come to see me...need some help with my house
oh this is so lovely! I always wanted to make one...
Wonderful! I feel all inspired now, have to go home and bake. If u want a christmasgift, theres a pair of earrings as a give-away over at my place! Love, love!
Sweet and lovely!
how wonderful!
looks like delicious fun!
oh waw!!!!!
this is so nice, it must be very tempting to grab a little Moomin's ear when you walk past it.
i never did one before, but this one makes me reconsider my former habit... where did you get these cookie cutters? i`m afraid they are not available in germany...
Is it bad I want to eat all that?
waou! i Love the ginger house!! and mummmmmmins!! oh i tried to make biscuits but i almost broke a tooth trying eating it!and you should have seen my hands full of raw dough like i had heavy gloves on!
ah im a fighter i will get to make a good biscuit! hope mr Otto feeLs better! dawmed flue vaccin!
This is a perfect gingerbread house, it's made with love...bravi bambini!
anita loves it:-)
mmmm! it looks so good. but the first bite must be so hard to take. Who would want to break this beauty!
så fint så fint! kommer det hållas helt ouppätet tills jul? ;)
Bless, it's perfect!
Maria, det kommer att bli uppätet innan. Helt säkert.
fina hus! synd att äta nästan. Tack för allt! Kram U
Aww! The Moomins!
Completely wonderful... i want to eat it ;)
det är superfint! kanske ska man våga sig på ett hus i år ändå!
t turned out quite nicely. A gingerbread tower!
wooow! 10/10 its awesome!
Charmigt. Jag gillar mumin.
It´s wonderful and your children like you for that!!
this is so cute. how lovely.
Jag är mållös. Muminhuset. Suck.
Fantastik hus! That one guy looks like Gena, I am sorry, maybe that is what Moomin reffers too.
I am also ready here for gingerbread cookies. But we will eat them before Christmas. I am sure.
this is soo beautiful! WOW!
how cool - a moomin gingerbread skyscraper... yay!
Oo maybe you could courier one to NZ as a prize!! I would lick it all first so no-one else could eat it ;-) How cool and what a great mum you are.
wow this looks so great!
im sure it'll be taste great too :) enjoy it!
i love it! :)
Åh - vad underbart pepparkakshus!
men åh vilket sammanträffande, igår pratade jag och några vänner om att vi borde bygga ett mumin-pepparkakshus! erat var fint :)
So lovely!! hahaha! what a great time you've had!
i love ginger cookies, this house has to be so yummy!
i'll try to do it this Christmas :)
I have no idea how to make a ginger bread. I do not know how to get patience to bake, build and decorate everything this!
This looks amazing!! wow!
I found your blog through Angry Chicken and I am SO GLAD because I found this Moomin Gingerbread house and it brought back fond memories from when I lived in Finland a year ago as an Exchanger!! Thanks so much and please share more Holiday Spirit, Scandinavia knows how to do it right. Happy Moomin Holidays!!!
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