A great giveaway from sponsor La Casita De Wendy coming your way today.
Inés and Iván from Madrid - the two designers behind La Casita De Wendy have diplomas
in architecture and philosophy, and started to design clothes nine years ago. Their clothes
are sold all over the world in a number of top stores including Barneys (New York), Baycrews
(Tokyo), Ztamptz (Hong Kong), Lamp (Tokyo), Ascenseur (Osaka) and Fenwicks (London).
La Casita De Wendy is a popular brand in Europe, with artists like Björk wearing their clothes.
They have a nice blog as well, take a look here.
The giveaway is an oversize cotton t-shirt with a big, beautiful owl print.
To enter, just leave a comment in this post. The winner will be chosen by a random number
service and announced sunday, November 14.
Good luck, thanks for playing!
1 – 200 of 478 Newer› Newest»· { this is so COOL, and I would love to win it, take care Elisabeth, from cold CPH } ·
pick me!!!
Oh, I love owls and this one is gorgeous! I'm gonna give it a try and cross my fingers :)
I would love to win ;)
¡Es precioso!
NICE giweaway! I like it!!
The owls are not what they seem...
i love it!!!
another pretty owl for my collection!!
Hej hej! Inte till mig, men till min fru...
What a gem.
Greetings from snowy Stockholm.
Im sure the owl wants to live in Copenhagen..
Oh, it's gorgeous! *cross fingers*
heyhey! :)
Love to win it !!! Samantha
I love it, owls are mysterious.
Aah, I would love to win that gorgeous uggla!!
Oooh Oooh, would love to wear this owl on… Thanks and bravo !
Hvordan kan jeg la vær, denne er jo så kul!
oh i want it!!!!
This is so lovely an cool! Wish me luck!!
1. Snowy Owl
2. Eagle Owl
3. Elf Owl
4. Scops Owl
5. Little Owl
6. Great Grey Owl
7. Long Eared Owl
8. Burrowing Owl
9. Tawny Owl
10.Brown Fish Owl
I really like owls.
I love it!
great!!! i love them
owl-astic!!!! :)
Who doesn't love owls?
oh, I'd love to wear it.
Great! I love owls!!
what a cute t-shirt!
I <3 la casita!
what a beautiful t-shirt, owls are my favourite animal, i'm dressing as one this weekend for a 'come as your favourite animal' party! I'd love to win this :)
Oh, for want of an owl tshirt.
how super cute is that t. love it. x
ooh so cute! since i knew your blog, i've been checking this site too!
Very cool t-shirt!
siempre geniales!!!!!
Oh my, I love owls AND oversized t-shirts! This must be destiny ;)
I'm addicted to your blog.
is it my lucky day?
Uhu-uhu. It's cool.
this is rellay a cool giveaway!!
waouh, it's beautiful so... I'm trying...crossed my fingers...
oooooooohoo! Yes please :)
this shirt is wonderful and so is your blog!
all the best from a quiet admirer...
I try to keep up with your blog everyday-it's beautiful and brightens up my day! I would love the owl to fly to London and live with me!
oh yes... something for mummy and not for the kids!:)
fingers crossed!
Me apunto, i love la casita de wendy ;)
This owl is so pretty! I am sure it would like to travel to Malmö :)
thank you for your blog, it really brightens my day... and this give-away is amazing, hope the random selector picks me! =D
righty-o random number, how nice would be to win this!
this time don't pick a man...;)
Lovely! Pick me! Pick me!
Ooooooh I love this shirt! hope to win!! Love the blog!! <3
oh yesss!
owls are fun, i'm in!
I just love it
Simpelthen så fin <3
I love that owl
Oooh how lovely! Fingers/feathers crossed :)
Great t'shirt. Would love to win it!
oo, an owl! love it.
I hope for some luck!
Love La casita de Wendy, want that owl...Thanks for a fantastic blog, Elisabeth!
greetings from germany! because i never won something in my life before i hope i'll win this :)
I want this T-shirt!! Your blog is one of my favourites. ;)
Hoppas hoppas!
that is beautiful.
wow wow, great giveaway !
the owl is great!
afternoon greetings!
I love the t-shirt & I love La Casita de Wendy.
owls are my favourie! mmm...
Åh, finfin! Den vill jag vinna!
Oh!! like it!
SUCH a beautiful sweater! I just came across your blog! So happy
Oh boy, I hope I'll win this one!
I love owls!
I love owl-themed things!
pick me! pick me! pick me!
I love La Casita De Wendy! and your blog of course!
me please i <3 owls! xx
dianneohdeer(at) gmail dot com
Lo quieroooo!!
I'm in, please pick me. :)
Hoohoo, snygg!!!
oh, i've been wanting to order something from them for so long...
I love anything owl! Please count me in too
I "need" it!
What a pretty shirt!!!
Would love for the chance to see it in person :)
I lovoelovelove La Casita e Wendy!!!
María León
certainly LCDW is a great brand, but Ines and Iván are even greater in person!
I hope i'm the lucky winner!
your giveaways are always so nice. i do love owls
I am loving owls lately!
Ej..... den VIL jeg da så GERNE vinde!
wonderful and whimsical! would love love love to win this!
yes please!
love this!
ohhhh.... i hope i win! :)
that shirt is very cute, and i had never heard of the lovely designers before... thanks for gettin' me in the loop!
thanks so much,
looove it (and my name is Ines too!!) ^-^
Love their line. Love that photo with little drawn creatures too - so cute.
I thought I'd test my luck :)
this owl shirt is a HOOT! hahaha. It's awesome, and I would be very excited to win it!
This will look great on my wife.
that looks just awesome!
me gusta! me encanta! es para mi?
Oh my goodness, I love the owl print! :D
oh my how exciting!
That top would look very cute on me..
oh-my-gawd. please please please
Oooh, I LOVE it! Probably because I'm totaly obsessed with owls.
may be me ? :-)
Uggle fin <3
My daughter would love this! Thanks for the giveaway.
What an amazing give-away. Fingers crossed!
really love the owl!
I adore their stuff, great giveaway!
wow!!!! it's so pretty, and i would love to wear it,
owls have like the coolest dance moves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TCrDX_6n3o&feature=player_embedded
(lucky day? please?)
Åh, så fin!
cute i love it!
Har Björk en så vill jag också ha!:-)superfin! hoppas jag vinner!
i like owls a lot!
what a cool T-shirt, would be perfect for a couchpotato
:o lovely!
wonderful give away like always!
Please, I love La Casita de Wendy!!!!
Please, I love La Casita de Wendy!!!!
Please, I love La Casita de Wendy!!!!
i was an owl for halloween! this shirt would have been perfect.
Maybe I 'm Lucky !!!!
Love it!
I like LCDW and I like your blog a lot!!
What a wonderful giveaway!
Talia would love this! She is my beautiful wife.
Pick me :)!
very cute!!
hoppas hoppas hoppas!
I'd love to win :D I've been admiring there clothes for a while now.
love your blog. i think of it mental-yoga. so calming to view. love this shirt.
oh goodness, how fantastic.
wow! I can't miss this!
Jisses vad fin. Hoppas hoppas.
Åh!!! Vill ha, vill ha!! :)
Totally outstanding!
Oh my, really would love to win! Thanks!! mira.haataja (at) helsinki.fi
Please me too!!!
love owls!
It's perfect, I love the brown one!
It would be so awesome to win this! (but I'm clearly not the only one who thinks so :)
:D. it's so beautiful!
count me in!
Oh, I want it so much!
so many entries! wow!
well, might as well try!
They make really special clothes.
I would like to be lucky!!!
thanks for the chance to win!
so cute! thanks, elisabeth!
hurrah! i'd wear that again.... and again..... and again!
uuuooh! nice, supernice :) i love this giveaway!
I have to win this!
Hoot hoot!
oooooo-- pick me!
let it be mine!
I love owls <3
owl and oversized shirts are so in right now! love it.
Oversized would be just my thing and luckily owls too :)
yes please I love la casita!
Lovely! I wish I had one!
what a fun shirt! would love it! :)
Jag vill gärna tävla!
Oh my goodness: what a stunning shirt!
Is this real!!!! If I win, I'll pass out and most probably won't take it off for days! Love it!
Oversized tee? Owl print? Lordy, am I in!
i love owls! : )
Snowy Owls win out for me. Obviously I would love to wear this beautiful shirt. Thank you for the giveaway.
oh! i'v had my eye on that keen shirt for awhile! so lovely.
I love love love owls. And that shirt is very cool. :)
such beautiful clothes! I would love to live in the entire collection!
Jag hoppas på mycket tur, för en tjusig t-shirt.
You always have the best giveaways here ... wow!
xx Inge
Amazing LCDW, great shirt!! I want it!! ;)
This is cool. I`m in :) :)
Hugs from Norway
hit me mr random!
/mr wehklon
i looove!
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