Visited the house today.
It is just too good to be true. Dare not hope. But I do, I really do.
Even the kids were overwhelmed. If we don't get it, please don't let the couple
with the make over plans be the ones who get it. So beautiful. Can hardly breathe.
Thanks for all encouraging comments about this dream.
And thank you for your nice response in the Fine Little Day giveaway!
Congrats Some Day Soon and Fröken Ö, you got yourself an optional Fine Little Day poster.
Yu Yasutake, new portfolio.
Boginka's Bastet's stamp from a photo.
It looks amazing! I LOVE that wallpaper! I've got my fingers crossed for you!
It is really just so beautiful and perfect... I really hope you do get it... what a dream :) Kx
So completely charming. Looks like it was meant to have you living there. Good luck!
oh wow...I'll hold my fingers crossed for you and your family. When do you get to know?
crossing mine too..
naa, we will probably know in about two weeks. We were about six presumptive buyers there today. And there will probably be a couple of more speculators the coming days. The house takes your breath away, it is even more beautiful in real life. So I guess it is not going to be an easy catch. But oh can't tell you how much I hope we will be the choosen ones.
And your photos makes it even more appealing. Please let it be you who get this beautiful piece, so we all can enjoy it through you. MT
Elisabeth, it's perfect! My fingers are crossed.
Oh, so lovely a house! Far too lovely to be true <3 I really hope it will be yours!
How absolutely adorable! Hope you get the house.
that house looks lovely!
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! It does look extra special.
phew, this is about as good as any dream gets... i wish you and your family all the best in getting this dream come true...
lovely house! especially love that wallpaper and the cute green 'plantstandard'?
hope it is bingo for you this time:-)
Is that a fireplace? It's unlike anything I've seen before. Good luck to you and your family, it looks lovely
it would be devestating if someone 'made over' this place, it is so so good!!! God luck good luck good luck!
Oh no, how can people even think about destroying such beauty? I hope you get it, for you and for the house :)
The kakelugn is breathtaking beautiful.
That place looks perfect for you! I am in a similar state of agonized waiting with an apartment and it is so hard. Keeping my thumbs pressed (as they do here) for you. All the best!
at swim-two-birds, yes isin't it special :)
JenniS, it's a fireplace/tile stove. Old, but working!
oh my oh my the thought that a house like this even exists is just blowing my mind!! wishing you luck from California!
tapeeeterna! golvet! inte får väl nån nyrenoverare lägga vantarna påt! Heja ER! Hu, budgivning o sånt nu då? Nervs!
fingers crossed, elisabeth ... it looks really wonderful ... is there a garden 'around?
'perhaps you'd like to take part of my tombola? for your new adress ;)
all the best
Vilket hus! Jag får ont i magen bara av tanken på att någon med renoveringshysteri skulle komma dit och förstöra allt. Håller tummarna för er!
Lisen, budgivning nästa...hua.
bastisRIKE, there is a lovely garden around with fruit trees and a lot of green areas.
fingers crossed!!
Hoppas hoppas ni får det, det är ju ett sagohus! Håller tummarna för er..; )
oh my, looks like it was made just for you. wishing you luck!
oh this is beautiful! love the wallpaper!
fingers crossed Elisabeth! this house looks like it is just made for you x
that looks really like a place in a fairy tale...
det är meningen att du ska ha detta hus! håller tummarna!
good luck! I hope you get it
Oh wow Elisabeth, it is a real beauty! I hope hope hope you get it, it already looks like you :)
hoppas !!hoppas hoppas! hoppas!! hoppas hoppas hoppas hoppas!! HOPPAS! hoppas hoppas hoppas !!!
it is essential , oh elisabeth how exciting , these places deserve to be loved and oh how yuou do .
so happy for you
That wallpaper... wow!
Please get it, for the sake of your readers that would love to see constant pictures of the house. :)
Held og lykke. Det ser så fint ud.
Läs en av de mera välformulerade och genomtänkta systemkritikerna av idag som är signaturen Julia Ceasar.
Oh gosh it has to be yours, I really hope so x
fingers crossed!!
I think it is destined to be yours. It is so gorgeous.
We just bought a house that has 4 kakelugnar :) But none as pretty as that one, wow!
Fingers crossed! :=)
Best of luck to you, it is so very beautiful.
I hope you get it fingers crossed the house is very you and yes lets hope the makeover couple find some other 'project' to unleash their creativity on.
Wow, I went to check how many people looked at my blog in the past days, and you have made the visits 600% of the usual. Thank you so much for linking to my site, I feel loved! I'm going to link to the post if you don't mind :)
It's perfect in every way.
Good Luck!
Oh Gosh, this is pure perfection. How wonderful it is, just the way it is. What a character!! That wallpaper just everything. I'll keep my fingers crossed and I totally agree with you... PLEASE not the knocker-downers or the modernisers... May fate that it's course... Pruxxx
OOh man this is the real deal! It's a dream house just like you would picture a dream house when you would speak about or dream about one. And looking at the pictures and reading what you said about it, it feels like it's meant to become yours. It's like everything you make, sensitive, delicate warm and stylish. It reminds me of the china you decorated with Camilla Engman a while ago. I'll keep my fingers crossed from Amsterdam :))
Spännande,men jobbigt det måste vara att behöva vänta på svar...Hoppas på er...
Everything about the house is gorgeous, but I've got to point out the window. I mean, come on. It's so gorgeous! breathtaking, really.
What a BEAUTIFUL place, I love the wallpapers... and it all!
I'm also crossing my fingers for you for getting it!
jag håller allt jag kan. du är så värd det där huset. puss puss puss puss puss
the oven/heater s so so so beautiful. I keep my fingers crossed for you!
love it! i saw ottos wallpaper in the german magazine NIDO. www.nido.de congrats, otto!
Andrea, thanks for telling. Otto says hello :)
oh. so pretty and it looks so good for you. it must be hard to wait. i'm impatient in situations like this, and always start to imagine how i would live in a new place before i know if i get to live there or not. but i can't resist.
i hope i hope for you!
Oh my! I wish I could have one like this too. I hope you get it, so we can enjoy this place through your lens.
good luck the house looks lovely
fasiken vad fint alltså!
what a house! it's so beautiful! eep! good luck!
oh my gosh, so beautiful. i'm hoping for you.
ooooh vilket underbart hus! hoppas så att ni blir de lyckliga. och välkommen till småland isåfall!
kom precis hem och såg att jag vunnit postern. trodde jag ALDRIG! är så HIMLA GLAD! tack!
oh happy you, I'm sure you'll get it!
What a gorgeous house. Incredible. To find a place like that. Good luck.
keeping my fingers crossed here....positive thoughts coming your way!
Fingers crossed, I really really hope you get it, it looks so beautiful!
Huset är jättefint Elisabeth, det har sån charm å historia, passar dig perfekt.
Jag hoppas verkligen din dröm äntligen går i uppfyllelse :)
Puss från lillasyster i Athen.
The house looks amazing Elisabeth.
Its got charm and history, suits you perfect.
I really hope your dream finally come true :)
Kisses from your little sis.
Om jag hade bott i Gbg-området( och haft pengar:) och skulle köpa sommarstuga skulle jag köpa detta underbara hus! http://www.hemnet.se/beskrivning/789975?r=3
Tack för en inspirerande och fin blogg!
Anonymous, vilket ställe. Rena Villa Villekulla, som en dröm. Tack för tipset :)
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