Maria Skeppström lives here 4. Last post.
Workroom. (Second photo pair from the top, picture from Jockum Nordström's
fabolous book about Sailor & Pekka - find it in the Fine Little Day shop)
Thank you Maria for letting me snoop around in your home!
Maria Skeppström lives here 1, 2, 3, 4
i love the glass enclosed cabinet.
The area around the desk fascinates me. :)
Beautiful. Thanks to Maria for sharing her home. I love the splash of green in the kitchen.
Wonderful home serie!I think it´s one of my favorites.
Love the new postcards :)
unique hanger,
looks like sweet candy :) Yammy~
jag bara måste säga att jag fullständigt blivit beroende av bilderna från hennes hem! jag får inte nog, nu får du fortsätta publicera bilder från hennes hem! :-)
älskar att det är så personligt, bäst är den stora telluskrukan med favoritkrukväxten.
väldigt inspirerande, precis som alla andra hem du visat.
må så gott!
Christina, ja själv hade jag vemod i hjärtat när jag lämnade det Skeppströmska hemmet. Men jag hade även fått en stor dos inspiration och längtar nu efter tid och energi att pyssla om min egen boning lite. Tack för din kommentar :)
oh I love this! Tigerlilly xo
How utterly adorable. love it. xo
åh, älskar bilderna i denna blogg!
what a fabulous home she has.
Thank YOU for sharing with us Elizabeth!
i love to see that others find old random children's items inpsiring!
ps, the little red fox leaping on your sidebar is sooooo cool!
how did u do it? ( a real live one ran through my yard yesterday :))
Milady Productions, it's an animation made in Photoshop :)
so much to love - that blue light fixture and the wallpaper behind it, that white-with-glass cabinet, those shoes ...!
thanks for sharing your home.
and thanks for creating these home tours; love them!
sure you don't understand french so i can say what i want!
les photos sont canons, l'ambiance ensoleillé donne envie de prendre mon petit déjeuner chez toi!!
un jour peut être...!
magot, Google translate: "Photos are guns, sunny atmosphere makes you want to take my breakfast with you one day may be" Ha ha, don't know if it makes much sense, but It sounds pretty positive. Thanks for you comment :)
héhé! the translate is perfect!!thank you google! i particulary (?) like " Photos are guns"!!
oh those shoes...
the coat hooks & the drum/tin in the first picture? amazing!
I love that vacant dollhouse. It makes me want to shrink to about 3 inches tall and move in.
very nice place. especially love the cabinet and the dollhouse!
Lovely home... I've always wanted a hang it all!
love those shoes ; )
love those shoes
where you find that:)?
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