Even if the kid's school starts later than other schools in the mornings, we've been late
several days in a row now. It's difficult to disrupt a fun game. Hopefully we'll do better, soon.
You who understand swedish, don't forget the giveaway. Den är öppen t.om. lördag 24 april.
Why Web Design Doesn’t Cost £40.
pretty child.
katt katt katt
Still only learning Swedish unfortunately...
That cat is just too cute! ...looks like he's saying 'put me down, I just want to sleep!' hehe xx
he he he! we managed to do so only one day before school started.
but she was alright, i'm exhausted though, i need a nap!
beautiful pictures...
and the link is veeeery interesting, thanks again!
Love your pics! I can't get my daughter in time to school still trying! Hve a great day!
getting to places on time is quite a challenge...
O looks so nice! i'm looking forward to see at these kids grow -- i enjoy them as they are, but it's just fun to think that one day little V will be a big boy too.
fina tassar
heeeheehee lots of love
from gini famili
your son is such a beautiful and wild boy :-)
what a sly looking cat!!
ahh great photos!! i love them, nice bed :-)
Why do we keep letting our kids get bigger ;)? Otto is looking so cute and that cat is just too much!
spelar ingen roll hur sent man börjar när man har en kattunge att leka med! så himla fina, H och O.
O är ju så LIK DEJ så man baxnar, så hiiiiiiimla fint, så gölliga, totally awesome! :D
I like the fact you are late for school, it shows you are living in the moment. It's a nice way to be with kids, chores and school get in the way!
Oh we are always late .... but i the big picture of life does it really matter !!!
great first photo, that cat would make anyone run late !!!
I am afraid we are always late...- and we live only five minutes from the school- I guess mornings are so fun and we just don't want them to end...And thanks for the link-
annamaria :)
Mandy, I guess not. I'd like to think like Kate Kelleher comment - "I like the fact you are late for school, it shows you are living in the moment."
otto seems such a nice boy! beautiful photos!
Of course! How could you interrupt those boat´s journey? They are already so near that volcano!
känner igen det där, senare än senast är vi varje morgon. det värsta är att jag ringer till dagis och säger: vi kommer senare. typ varje morgon. skärpning!
l really like your ships Otto!
i wish web design only cost 40$ because i am sesperate for a new one! :(
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