
Vague but anyway. That's what I'm looking for when I'm buying fruits
and vegetables these days - faces. Flickr fruit faces. Funny, this.

We're still enjoying easter vacation.

trololololololololololo, via Mia.



alessandra said...

ahahahahahhah the trololololololololoo made me laugh so much although the guy is a bit scary with that crazy expression!
thanks for a good laugh before bedtime!

Ashley mo said...

Yeap, funny and the sweetest face!
Yummy :)

Anonymous said...

haha crazy photos! Poor Mr. Kiwi, dropping his coliflower cream like that. I feel sorry for him...but I'll go and eat one now :-)

Laura Bear said...

oh so fun! mmm, yes ice cream sounds quite good now.

whoisnell said...

i see happy faces... lolz..

e said...

hihi, sådär borde man ju göra varje gång man handlar. teman liksom. "idag ska jag bara handla saker som har ansikte!" "idag ska jag bara handla saker som rimmar på GODIS" "idag bara saker som matchar min outfit" osv. fina! :)

Kate Kelleher said...

The idea of looking for fruit faces really appeals to me, and I will now look out for these when I am in the supermarket. Thanks that makes a chore so much more enjoyable. Your photography is wonderful.

naa said...

When I first saw trololo clip some time ago I almost pee of laughter... it' so funny!!!
I also search for faces in daily objects... especially in wood these days.
Have a nice weekend!*

Yulia said...

O! He's famous russian singer, who was popular in 70's. All russians kids know his funny song about Granny Winter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2xHMVdxIfA

Fine Little Day said...

Юля, lovely :) Thanks for the tip.

Jim Taylor said...

I love the idea of finding personality in produce.