va lustigt! var i Århus för två år sedan och tog bilder på ett likadant träd fast det var väldigt mycket mer nappar! har bilder på det på vår facebook-sida under inspiration. Kul att det spritt sig hit (eller vem det nu var som var först)! kram U
wow, marvellous! if my daughter sees that she'll go beserk! she quitted hers only one year ago (she'almost five!)...took a long time to get rid of it, I wish i had a tree like that, it helps a lot either the children and the parents! X
In Ireland where my folks live there is a small well just off the road with a tree beside it.People like to hang strips of cloth on the branches of that tree.The soother tree reminds me of this.
OWWwww, how lovely! Reminds me of my son Max, who "quitted"a half year ago (at age 4). We explaned him it was time to get rid of the soother. He listened, took a pair of scissors, cut the soother in two and threw it in the bin. That was that! Realy strange but also funny... I wish we had such a tree around!
When I was very little there was a tree like this in front of my school, here in Brazil. The sweet concierge asked for every child's pacifier, and they gave it, to be hanging in the tree. Thus, they would'n want it anymore.
Wow - where is that? What a strange and colourful sight.
haha, ååå va fint! OCH LITE RISKABELT att ta DEN promenaden med en gammal "nappmissbrukare"...hähä. :)
Helena, very close to were we live. The tree stands in a park called Slottsskogen.
va lustigt! var i Århus för två år sedan och tog bilder på ett likadant träd fast det var väldigt mycket mer nappar! har bilder på det på vår facebook-sida under inspiration. Kul att det spritt sig hit (eller vem det nu var som var först)! kram U
This is a curious thing. I've never seen anything like it before! Can anyone add something to the tree?
Olly, anyone. But I think the primary idea is that it is meant for soothers.
Wow beautiful & unique tree and lovely photography :)
so unique tree!
It's just tree for baby or their mother?! kkk so unique-
Although simple but huge art!!
wow, marvellous!
if my daughter sees that she'll go beserk! she quitted hers only one year ago (she'almost five!)...took a long time to get rid of it, I wish i had a tree like that, it helps a lot either the children and the parents!
wow! very fascinating & outsider-artsy. i'd like our pram to look something like that.
lovely photos!
really fun to come closer and find what is hanging from the tree...
Hihihi! Looks like Christmas tree for little kids! It's just paradice for babys! :)
Wow, amazing!!!!
Oh Elisabeth it's beautiful.
In Ireland where my folks live there is a small well just off the road with a tree beside it.People like to hang strips of cloth on the branches of that tree.The soother tree reminds me of this.
oh my gosh - i love that tree. so fun
my kids never took a pacifier and my 2yo more obsessed with her thumb sucking then ever
oh!! beautiful tree!
This reminds me of a wishing tree in Hong Kong where people toss oranges tied to paper onto the tree. Not quite the same but all interesting :)
How beautiful and peculiar both. I like it!
wow vilket bra träd, det har jag missat totalt, kanske något för molly?
What a lovely and surprising idea!
OWWwww, how lovely! Reminds me of my son Max, who "quitted"a half year ago (at age 4). We explaned him it was time to get rid of the soother. He listened, took a pair of scissors, cut the soother in two and threw it in the bin. That was that! Realy strange but also funny...
I wish we had such a tree around!
annapernilla, ligger uppe vid vattentornet.
When I was very little there was a tree like this in front of my school, here in Brazil. The sweet concierge asked for every child's pacifier, and they gave it, to be hanging in the tree. Thus, they would'n want it anymore.
Jag ÄLSKAR det där trädet!
Hedvig med ;)
i love the soother tree!
a lovely sight
that's great!!! love those colors & white-snow on the background
Me and my sister never had dummies, but my brother couldn't sleep without it!
That tree is like an art piece.
oh this looks really like an art project :))
i am sure we will visit slottsskogen this year. …hope this tree will mak my little girl soother free ;)
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