Mother's flea, closed wintertime.
We met Hiro, for the first time in real life today. He fled, hide him self
under a chest. All of his siblings greeted us, not him. I'm a bit worried.
Tomorrow, the course in down hill skiing.
Absurd pets, or absurd men - The Hyena & Other Men, photos by Peter Hugo. Found via Kimberlys fotoblogg.
Hiro will be your cat? Maybe he as fearful cat, you just have to be patient!The photo is very impressive, I saw it once at World Press Photo, bizarre at least... Enjoy the weekend:)
OH I love these photos and this house. I want to live there.
Your cat will calm down soon, it's just a cat thing, they have to go through
I would sell my children to get into your mothers flea...lots to make me very excited
hmmmm...you are all very brave and sporty , enjoy your weekend of hurling yourself down hills ....
the cat ....he will get used to you , cats are extremely clever and I bet can sense your eagerness to love him|her ...they are probably being a bit prima donna , youll see soon the cat will be licking you and having hugs :)
I am sure Hiro will love you. I think wise cats hide at first-they are assessing the situation before making a decision which I think is very sensible!
HIro will love you guys! It's very normal for cats to hide - they are creatures of habit and it can be scary when their habits are broken. Enjoy!
And I love, love your first picture.
Your cat! So cute! I had never seen that breed so I googled it. I am always fascinated by pure breed cats having always had "mutts" myself. I'm sure he'll end up being super friendly - he's probably just playing hard to get! ;)
Caroline of Red Glasses
Ah- i like kitten :) so cute video-The website that u introduced is a lot of amazing pics in there! So different place and different feeling, some pics sad, calm. powerful, lonely Yeap! Amazing★
hiro knows you will be taking him soon so he's a little shy? he is so so cute! almost like having your own hyena?!
Really love your blog ! So inspiring !
åh, vicken blygis. det är säkert helt allrite! inget att oroa sej för. jag va med blyg som bebis, o sen lärde jag känna mina föräldrar. ;)
va mysigt det ser ut här förresten. vinterstängt o allt = bygga upp inför våren! woh!
i remember when we got two sister kittens once... they were sooo shy, they always hid in a dark corner and only came out too eat and poo (luckily :-)) it took a few days, until they ran around freely. you should be patient, make gentle contact and let him decide, when he wants to be friends with you.
I think the answer is 'absurd men'-!!
but lovely photos-(yours)-
Annamaria :)
Wow....are those hyenas in the pics? They don't look like hyenas I've ever seen.Maybe they look that way in Nigeria.Interesting.....
These foto's of Pieter Hugo are really intens. The hyena foto's are great, but did you look at his other photo's? They have something unsettling, something that grabs you by the throath...A good link, and one that makes you think about other people.
Leililaloo, I agrre Pieter Hugos other work is also interesting.
åh en loppis i släkten, så perfekt. finfina bilder. ha en skön söndag! /annika
Hiro will come around! I guess he just needs to get used to you all xx
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