What i love about children’s book illustrator/author Beatrice Alemagna's work is the poetic,
quirky and very personal touch in all she do. Today a Fine Little Interview with her.

What made you decide to become an artist, and what was your first illustration assignment Beatrice?
"I never decided to become an artist. However I always felt a huge need of giving back my vision of
the world, it made me feel in peace with myself.I think I have mixed the need of writing and drawing
with my feeling of being unadapted to the world and I felt it was the most sincere thing to do. It began
very early, at the age of 8, when I realized that mixing a drawing and a sentence would seemed much
alike a page of a book. And an illustrated book was an adventure to enjoy. My very first illustrated work
was a poster of “ l’Ecran des enfants” (children’s screen) for the centre Georges Pompidou in Paris. It
happened accidentally, when I found myself being the only adult watching in there a movie for children.
I never thought one could find work by going to a movie…"

Who or what are some of your influences, and what artists do you admire?
"It changes permanently. My tastes evolve and metamorphose. I sometimes feel happy that I like things
today that couldn’t have pleased me a few years ago. I find this positive.I have hundreds of artists that
I love. I like unusual arts, but also traditional or popular. Raw art (art brut) too. My first inspirations came
from Picasso, naïve paintings from Douanier Rousseau,essential forms from Bruno Munari (that was very
present during my chilhood), wild characters from Bosch. Piero della Francesca or De Chirico inspired me
a lot too. Nowadays, I admire mostly contemporary art or paintings.I feel fascinated by composed universes,
in balance between a grown-up vision and a childish one like the ones from Chris Johanson, David Shrigley,
Anne-Marie Schneider, Jockum, Atak, Marcel Dzama, Anke Feuchtenberger, etc…"

Which of your books or what of your work are you most satisfied with and proud of?
"I truly find myself in “Un lion à Paris”, it really fits my own story and I was surprised when I realized that
I made those drawings nearly without being aware of that. When one connects strongly his feelings, his
ideas with what one is making, he doesn’t understand what happens at the very moment when it happens:
you get into a kind of trance which is pleasurable, barely believable, and leaves you a little bit proud, afterwards.
Concerning “Jo singe garçon” it’s another sort of satisfaction : the kind of having accomplished something I
thought I couldn’t do : changing while staying devoted to my world. And that is a great sensation too."

Is there something (professional) you would like to try that you haven't done yet?
"There are a lot of things I haven’t done yet and that I really hope to do one day : a comic book, pattern
for fabrics, wood toys, a pop-up book, an album which would illustrate the songs I love the most, a lot of
series of oil paintings, giant embroideries, domestic objects, carpets…"

If you would recommend 2 books to another artist, what would they be?
"How can I choose only two books among all the one I love?!Perhaps, three… I’ll give it a try… one book of
illustration : “Tom & Tabby” of André François, one of photography : “Street Photographs-Manchester & Salford”
of Shirley Baker and, for paintings : “Images” from David Hockney."
Thanks so much for doing this interview Beatrice!
mmmmmmmmmmmm! fina arbetsbordsbilder med.
Super inspiring. I love the idea of evolving and finding inspiration in different things as time passes...it is a very hopeful thought. I will have to research her art, it looks wonderful.
great interview! love the cover illustration!
I really love the photographs of her creative space. Her art is so peaceful and calming. I can see why she is such a good children's book artist.
that was great to read. thanks for that x
what an amazing lady... beautiful pictures and a studio most envied!!!
Wonderful interview- thank you. I'm happy to know about her work!
I thought it was great to see a real workspace, one that has not been stylised for photos but shows real traces of work..
Her illustrations are gorgeous.
Thank you dear Elisabeth and dear Beatrice. Now it is even nicer to get back to the painting table on this foggy Sunday.
what a wonderful artist/illustrator. i really appreciated this interview!
loved to read the interview, her work is very inspiring.
oh waw Elisabeth, so cool that you made an interview with her! I love her work, she truly is amazing! I wish I'd have every picture book she ever made but I am also happy with just 2 of them! :)
Thank you for this!*
I found out about Beatrice Alemagna's work totally by chance as I was browsing through kids books in a library in Paris. When I saw the cover of Un lion a Paris, I immediately loved it- stunning book, really like her drawing/collage approach. Thanks you for the interview.
Great post and I love Beatrice's work space :)
Lovely interview Elisabeth. Just exquisite drawings - she is so inspirational. Kx
thanks for this interview, I love her art...
oh, I'm really enjoying reading this interview, her work is fantastic, I love the various inspirations one can feel within her pictures and how she makes happy connexions.
Oooo, this is sooo great!!!! I want all her books!!!
What a beautiful interview! I love her take on inspiration.
Have a fantastic week!!
Helt UNDERBAR illustratör, tack så väldans väldans mycket för att du skrev om henne!
This is such a great intervieuw! I love her work, it's so incredibly insiring! Thank you...
oh, her work is wonderful
so much inspring after reading!Thank you.
I am so inspired now i have goose bumps! (i wonder how that translates in Swedish?!) I really love to see other's work spaces.
Thank you!
thank you for this one! extremely inspirating illustrations.
Så fina illustrationer! Älskar det snyggt röriga arbetsboredet också.
"arbetsboredet" var en ganska fin felskrvning.
okej, jag kan inte skriva idag ;) nu slutar jag spamma.
Lovely interview Elizabeth- really loving the illustrations-
Annamaria :)
Her books are wonderfully creative, and my students love them. Thank you for sharing!
OH! I know her work by "Bunsgs in a blanket".
Her illustrations are wonderful. What a surprise finding her here...
hello Beatrice, je souris de t'apercevoir à travers ce blog!
bien à toi
And Thanks Elisabeth for this really fine interwiew!
I enjoyed this so much, thank you Beatrice and Elisabeth.
thank you Elisabeth. this is a wonderful interview and I really loved learning more about her. She is one of my favourite artists/illustrators.
so thanks again :)
wow i like so much your collection of pencils and pens. reminds me of a teacher i had in elementary school. her desk was always covered in coloured pens and pencils
Thank you! Love this.
Thanks for this interview. I'm fond of Beatrice's books since I saw "Jo singe garcon" on your blog. I feel really close to the characters who are searching for their own place or happiness.
I love this interview and her beautiful work ♥
Very interesting! ")
å vad bra, tack! :)
love, love, love Beatrice's work! thank you for this lovely interview Elisabeth x
Thanks so much for the interview!!!!! I adore her work and reading this is so inspiring!!!can not wait to be at home and draw!!
thanks for the excellent interview and introducing me to Beatrice's work. I especially like the Portraits illustration.
wow elisabeth...so much to look at and enjoy , I missed all this !
great interview
beatrice is an inspired and inspiring artist
love this interview!
I just want to say thank you for your consistently wonderful blog. There is always something here that inspires me or simply gives happiness. Yours is my favorite blog. ANd thank you for introducing me to the beautiful art of Beatrice Alemagna. It has been a great discovery for me.
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