Her desk today.
Sometimes I wish you could hire a cool kid, in your own kid´s age or little older, to approach your own kid to
say to him/her "Wow you look great today. I like your shoes!" etc. That would be so great.
The self-confidence wasen´t on top this morning.
Lisa Lapinski.
Ahhh... those words twinned with the photos are so bittersweet. Really beautiful.
- Philip
aw. that's a little sad. sometimes we just can't make it alright can we? it's poignant and yes, bittersweet.
Please tell your daughter that we find her lovely, and pretty, and so creative too!
My daughter is cool because she would definitely do that. But she's not cool in the way you mean, I think. But she's cool with that. :-) (that's your US language lesson for the day)
I looked at the pictures first and thought, isn't that just a perfect creative room. And then I read the text .. :)
But I empathise with your daughter. Sometimes I want someone "my age" come tell me that my "room" (or whatever I'm stressing about at the moment) is cool.
men nej, vad synd :( hon är ju så himla söt! och kreativ!
MamaShift, your daughter sounds cool, send her over ;)!
Dorit, me too. Maybe we all shoud me more like Amelie from Montmartre. Making happy things happend.
I find I am re-living my teenage angst years through my daughter....i think your solution would be so perfect....if only....
anyone who has a room like that is very cool.
It will come!! Surely your kid will come into his own, eventually. Most of us were there once, too. In a room like that, so inspiring? So marvelous!
I know, sometimes I feel the same.Mine is only 4 and she is the only little girl in town with short hair (she likes this way) but other girls tell her that she looks like a boy and her selfconfidence goes below her feet..but hey that's life, they learn from it...anyway Tovalisa is GORGEOUS!
This is why I do my best to have kind words for my children. It is as important as nutritious food, isn't it?
Your photos are getting better and better, this blog too! Your kids seems cool, both of them. Tob.
Å det skulle behövas här också ibland. Till min glädje tycker i alla fall lillasyster att hon är bäst i världen.
oh i hope TovaLisa feeLs better!
i dreamt about her yesterday did u get my emaiL? so weird!
i Love the bLue box, the white shelves and the blue bin!!
!-) gini
First off, I love your blog and your daughter's room is so special. She's lucky.
I know growing up is rough for girls and their sense of self sometimes. Thankfully it gets better.
My 17 yr old has a very strong sense of self and nerves of steel which got her through her younger years. I marvel at this because I didn't have those qualities growing up.
Good luck helping her navigate this. If she needs any advice I can send her my daughter's email:)
Men, är det inte hon som ÄR the cool kid?
Tycker jag hon verkar va! :)
åh vad jobbigt! ja det är konstigt hur viktigt det är med vad andra tycker. Föräldra dilemma:(
Åh, jag håller med. Om man ändå kunde hyra någon i sin egen ålder att säga så till ens vänner och nära med dåligt självförtroende också. Vore så himla fint!
Rummet förresten, sjukt fint! Älskar när det finns så himla mycket fina saker att titta på.
Jag har en känsla av att dina barn också kommer bli konstnärer ;)
love this. and i'd like to hire another cool kid, in my own age, to tell me these things as well! xo sharilyn
I dont know if this counts, but my 9 year old S thinks that Tovalisa´s room looks the best and thinks she has the coolest name ever. I think so too. And if we knew her in real life, i´m sure we both would think she is awesome.
And we think she looks very pretty.
isoinpapu, it counts, for sure :)
makes me want to give her a hug. Don't know if it's cool if adults tell you you're cool, maybe that makes you uncool...but being cool in such a warm house doesn't get you anywhere. Maybe it's better if she's just the warm girl she is.
My son (almost 4) has an older "mentor" at his school who makes him special cards and reads to him sometimes. It makes him feel SO good. Isn't that a great idea?
I know this sooo well...And I wish I could once take a picture of my daughter´s room. But it´s always so messy, that i can´t
Nu har jag förresten beställt ballong-örhängena från din shop, äntligen! Fick låna min mammas kreditkort dock, har inget eget som man kan betala med på det viset. Längatr tills jag får dem! :)
you can be the cool kid :) you're already a great mom!
jag kan tänka mig hur bekymrad man blir själv som mamma då ens barn är ledsna:( hoppas din härliga tjej mår bättre nu och att morgondagen börjar mycket bättre!
Like some already said: your daughter already has a cool mom, a cool room and a cool name... But it can be hard, I still remember that pretty clear from when I was younger (and still can feel the way she does).
jag hade nästan glömt hur fint det var här inne.
i wish that were my room... it looks like it belongs to someone very cool to me! let's hope the confidence isn't too far away.
tell her mieke willems like her a lot!
hade vi varit där hade vi sagt gulli gulli och gett henne några mjuka gosedjur och bilder på kattungar...livet är lätt när man är ett sen blir det ju lite svårare. kram
that would be good. but you know itll be better when she just realizes that shes cool just the way she is. (love her room:)
Vilket bra sätt att säga det på. En cooling önskas här också ibland. Man tycker ju att de är det finaste, bästa som går på jorden och allt man önskar är att de ska känna det också. "Men du är ju min mamma", säger min.
That's the hardest part about being a mumma, isn't it?You would do anything to make things right but sometimes you just can't...
You have such a beautiful blog. Would love it if you dropped by...
if only we knew back then what we know now.
Having a loving mum like you is probably the best thing to get her through the teen years.
You said it perfectly! Tell your daughter that I said she is very cool!!!
your words are like branches of a velvet tree. I am in love with your blog♥
hugs & hugs
xx olivia
I can tell YOUR blog from ALL the other blogs in my Google reader. Yours has such a look and feel unlike the others. I just love your point of view lady! Beautiful.
Oh I wish I could do that for my big girl too! Love her room - my daughter would too :) K
Thank you all for encouraging comments :)
To me, this would be one of the very hardest parts of being a mom. So, so tough to see your daughter feeling the way she does.
So glad you posted about Lena Sjoberg, too. I love her illustrations.
:( her room in so inspiring. sometimes you find out when you get older it was best to not "be cool" anyway. but little kids don't want to hear that. i never had "cool haircuts", but looking back on it i'm happy to have that memory of my mom cutting my hair. it's sweet.
Maybe she is sad because her room is covered in tears?
really like the raindrops
love the images. i sometimes wish that about my little cousins who are all growing up and could use some complimenting from their peers. but getting compliments from parents and family still make a difference, it still counts, and from what it looks like, i'm sure you do plenty of that for your kid(s) as well.
You have a sensibility that inspires me. Best wishes.
aww..thats an interesting thought. i hope it got better :-)
maybe only when she grows big will she realise what a cool kid/life/family she had and has. in the meantime...i have a cool- kid-daughter that would do that for her, and my Veda also needs it too xx
It amazing what the right words from the right person do isn't it?
I have four girls who could send her positive vibes if she would like? I have a 7,9,13,and 14 year old. Gerbils too!
Fin mormorsfilt. :)
Whoa, you blog looks cool today ;)
I hope the self confidence is sky high today.
what bittersweet words to go with that beautiful, creative room.
when i read the link after those bittersweet words, my mind thought "lisa loobner" instead of "lisa lapinski". lisa loobner (portrayed by the brilliant gilda radner on old "saturday night live" shows) showed examples of many things - including how to love ourselves, no matter how harsh the world can be.
and that reminds me of a great quote (for whom i'm sorry i can't recall the author): "don't judge your insides by someone else's outsides".
i hope your daughter feels better in every sense of the word.
thanks for sharing. it helps me, too.
such a bittersweet post.
being a young girl isn't all that easy.
just by noticing that your daughter is feeling low probably makes a big difference.
i'd be that cool kid for you, but i'm way too old and live far away : (
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