
Wow, I was visiting some friends today and when I came back my mailbox was stuffed.
Thank you for your response on my last post! For taking the time to answer. So much warming feedback :)
I´m quite overwhelmed.

You are from Norway, South Afrika, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, Portugal, Sweden, Germany, Spain, England, USA, France, Canada, China, Italy, Greece, Slovenia, South America, India, Lithuania, Finland, Denmark, Singapore, Hungary, Austria, Belgien, Poland, Iceland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Bulgaria, Israel, Ireland, Estonia, Scotland, Romania, Mexico, Turkey...

Your age is from 15 – 74, what a great range of vistors!

A couple of months ago I turned off the possibility to comment on my blog, mostly because I felt that I couldn´t
give back half as much as I recived and wanted to (my english – swenglish). Anyway I realized after a while that the
comments/the communication part was kind of half the fun with blogging. I´m glad to have it back, the communication.

These photos are from my friends place today.
Lilly, is the name of their first, and just born beautiful daughter.



ninainvorm said...

Oh, these are so beautiful! The cups, the baby in the beautiful cloud blanket... I love it all!

marie said...

i didnt reply to the last post. but i often visit you here :) love your space.

i agree, comments are a huge part of blogging. its not just about writing to yourself, its about feeling part of something bigger. and it always makes me smile when i get a comment :)

(im from australia, 24 yrs old)

emma said...

vilken liten knodd, så gulli! så skönt det ser ut att ligga där och vara helt ny, och insvept.

Megan Dempsey said...

I am in love with all those textiles and textures! What a wonderful place to leave. I am thinking I might be Scandinavian at heart, they are always my favorite homes!

leni said...

i agree! no one cares if you don't respond to the comments. we just want to express our love for your blog!

fairiemoon said...

Such a beautiful baby, but that house is WAY too clean for a new baby house! LOL! I am just kidding. Lovely pictures!

Erin :)

naa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
naa said...

waw... how wonderful little baby! and that blanket! iiiiii... even my boyfriend melted when he saw it. :)

And don't worry about your English... it's fine (like fine little day :) ) and besides... pictures often say more than words. :)

Anonymous said...

I like that parcel!

fliss said...

Look at that sweet bundle, she is gorgeous. You need not worry about giving back to comments as you give us so much with your pictures and day to day. Thanks :)

LemonyRenee' said...

Please don't feel overwhelmed by all the comments. I feel pretty safe in saying that "we" don't expect any reply as much as we just want you to "hear" from us. Thanks.

LemonyRenee' said...

How could I forget to say little Lilly is beautiful.

Laia Jufresa said...

and Mexico!!! (26 years old, living in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and from now on a follower of your blog and Studio violet!!

jenna said...

oh my, what a gorgeous little one! and i love her blanket. beautiful. :)

Hila said...

what a lovely little bundle. And I think your English is just fine.

P.S. I'm 26, from Australia and visit often :)

at swim-two-birds said...

i felt very ashamed for my english when i started blogging in the beginning, but now i don't care anymore, besides,i think it must be funny to read for the english speaking part of the bloggers, it is like wachting 'Allo, allo' all the time.
So, we better consider us as entertainers :-).
Love that baby wrapped in the blanked, she's cute :)
what about your yesterday's post, i visit daily, my age you already know.

Toril said...

Vilken söt liten bebis..helt inlindad:) allt gott

Fine Little Day said...

Renilde, thats a good and fun way to see it. I like that, I think I will start doing that too, see myself as an language entertainer :)

Veja cecilia said...

kopparna! jag har den där rörstrandkoppen fast med annan dekor. de är fullkomligt underbara.

linn said...

bilden med kopparna gör mig så himla glad, kan inte sätta fingret på vad. och bebis filt är så fint.

Sammi said...

How adorable is the baby :o)

Kylie said...

Oh what a beautiful child :) You forget how very tiny they are, don't you? Love her cloud blanket and I am totally in love with those cups! It was fun reading where everyone comes from and that age difference is just fabulous. I'm glad you have your comments on :) K

hannah said...

i love your swenglish :)

Anonymous said...

We're also 12 years old!
love your blog, it's so beautiful you don't need words.

Fine Little Day said...

12 :)

Leen said...

what a beautifull baby in a beautifull blanket :-)

penelope said...

that baby! in that blanket! more than sweet.

amy said...

what a beautiful baby, and a perfectly wrapped cloud blanket :)

deborah said...

hello! oh how sweet!

i'm 29, from australia and visit often too

(i'm also wondering where i can purchase that blanket online) ;)

Fine Little Day said...

deborah, here for example:


Theresia (Minori Design) said...

I love your blog and the amazing pictures, reading your blog always makes my day!

Mr Yen said...

Beautiful photographs!

Kim in the Cove said...

Like you, I am 39 with two kids and a husband and a creative career. But I live in the US, way down in the South. :)

I love your blog!

amesh said...

i love your blog, and you have beautiful swenglish :) i too have a blog and i kinda use standard english (or indonesian-english in this case :P) i vowed not to let my english get in the way :) oh did i mention that i love your blog? LOVE IT, have a lovely weekend! am indonesian and 29 years old by the way.