
Fell in love with these finnish outsider art books when I was at this exhibition.
Camilla and I bought every ex they had of it. Unfortunately I can´t find a ITE webpage.
Anybody know if they have one?

Illustrator Lilian Broegger.



Kylie said...

Sorry, can't help with that one... but I do love that first image of the wooden eyelashes around the window :) K

jenna said...

i can't find one either. i feel like i have seen that first photograph. do you know who did it, elisabeth?

Cindy said...

This is fascinating.
I found these links that might be helpful...




Cindy said...

this too...

himalainen said...

Maybe these might be helpful too, at least there are links to artists (the last link), but the pages are unfortunately in Finnish :)


And the Folk Arts Centre in Kaustinen has ite-exhibition every summer :)

Fine Little Day said...

Jenna, you might have seen it on Studio Violet´s blog.
I will try to remember to look up who did the window when I´m back in the studio today.

Thank´s for your help girls!

nath said...

wonderful window.

gini said...

What a beautifuL window ;waou!

julia said...

wow, i like that, too!

Heli said...

gotta love that window!

i think they published that book in relation of the ITE exhibition in helsinki in 2001. http://www.taidemuseo.fi/english/meilahti/programme/ite.html

marie-louise said...

Förstår att det passar dig:)
Ha en trevlig helg!

Ritva said...

cindy was quicker :)

claire loder said...

thanks for posting that! - I love love the top image of the window!!! Seen before but forgotten - so really pleased to be reminded - the exhibition also looks wonderful!

penelope said...

wow! that window is fantastic! thanks for posting.