Look at that swimming toddler. And the poor girl who has been given a fish to eat!
looks VERY nice.I need to check it out. :)
love Gaga and love Nemo :-)
looks beautiful. I have to ask my friend from Poland about it. maybe she could send me a copy. :)naa
Oh and I wanted to tell you that I saw your work in Play all day book yesterday in Venice Biennale shop... so so nice! naa
ser ut som en jättebra tidning!
waou! finally you got one!!that's great...it does look very cute ....have a lovely monday!!!!gini
du postade den här bilden på bloggen för någon dag sedan (posten verkar borttagen nu dock?), och jag är hemskt intresserad av att veta vem/vilka som designat/tillverkat den där kaffekoppen/sockerskålen till höger i bild.skulle verkligen uppskatta hjälpen :)maila ev. svar till leestonia@gmail.comhttp://pici.se/pictures/HcfbViiHh.jpg
Really neat magazine. We are in the 3rd issue :)
looks great - I'd love to have a look at one of these.
great find, i didn't know about this mag before! :)
aww what a cute magazine. what is it about?those children swimming is so pretty. that asian girl on the cover is ADORABLE!
Make it easy, it´s a parents magazine. About culture, fashion, food - everything that has something to do with kids and parenthood.
looks supernice!!
Very cute. It looks fabulous :) K
I will check in my book store ... thanks for the info !!
Ser mycket lovande ut, vilka schyssta foton du har tagit också! KRam
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Look at that swimming toddler. And the poor girl who has been given a fish to eat!
looks VERY nice.
I need to check it out. :)
love Gaga and love Nemo :-)
looks beautiful. I have to ask my friend from Poland about it. maybe she could send me a copy. :)
Oh and I wanted to tell you that I saw your work in Play all day book yesterday in Venice Biennale shop... so so nice!
ser ut som en jättebra tidning!
waou! finally you got one!!that's great...it does look very cute ....
have a lovely monday!!!!
du postade den här bilden på bloggen för någon dag sedan (posten verkar borttagen nu dock?), och jag är hemskt intresserad av att veta vem/vilka som designat/tillverkat den där kaffekoppen/sockerskålen till höger i bild.
skulle verkligen uppskatta hjälpen :)
maila ev. svar till leestonia@gmail.com
Really neat magazine. We are in the 3rd issue :)
looks great - I'd love to have a look at one of these.
great find, i didn't know about this mag before! :)
aww what a cute magazine. what is it about?
those children swimming is so pretty. that asian girl on the cover is ADORABLE!
Make it easy, it´s a parents magazine. About culture, fashion, food - everything that has something to do with kids and parenthood.
looks supernice!!
Very cute. It looks fabulous :) K
I will check in my book store ... thanks for the info !!
Ser mycket lovande ut, vilka schyssta foton du har tagit också! KRam
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