As you can see I´m working on a new blog design (nice to be able to show bigger pictures).
I´ve been told that the new looks wierd on some screens though.
I would be very greatful if you folks could mail me screenprints so I can see what you see when you´re here.
Thank you!
+ + +
Yeah looks abit of centered on my mac. Cant send the screen shot for some reason. But the format just seems like maybe it should be more cwntered. Unless you liked it this way.
marianne, it´s ment to be off centered, so nothing else that disturbs you - good.
Looks great to me.
I love it on my Mac! Thank you.
tjena. det ser skitfint ut. häromdagen såg jag iofs bara helt tomt vitt utan nåt på, men så är det inte nu. nu äre massa fina kåbbåjsare å indianer! grejt.
i love the new layout! it's gorgeous!
It looks great! You are always switching things up, in the best of ways :)
VIlken helt fantastisk bild E! Browsershot.org är som tidigare skrivet väldigt bra. Fin ny layout! Puss
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