
Practical working

Lots of work in the studio. Luckily we had a little helper today. One of us become really absorbed by the building-a-city-task. She kept her concentration to our other project too though.

Claire Nereim has a special sale of some of her drift prints on Etsy. And nowdays - a blog.

Lines & Shapes, volume seven.

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emma said...

fina fläääätan!

Alexandra Hedberg said...

klossar är alltid kul. jag blir precis som camilla ... och plötsligt vill sonen leka med nåt annat!

nath said...

That look like a lovely way to while away a few hours...

marie-louise said...

Kul, kul!!!!

Esti said...

what a great way of sprending time and creating...

Julia said...

Snygg frilla! Ser skoj ut...att bygga. Det gör mina ungar i skolan varje dag. Bygger och bygger. Höga torn blir det. Kram på dig.

Ciara Brehony said...

I just adore coming here for the beautiful inspiration I get. If only you knew just how inspiring you are Elisabeth...

fliss said...

I find myself doing this with the kids..... and still building when they have had enough. I like these natural blocks.

anette said...

thanks for the claire n. link, she has a great blog!

kristin said...

