
Petit Magazine

Finally, here it is. "The big project" I´ve been working with for the last a couple of months. Petit Magazine, a swedish parents/kids fashion magazine. Exhausting but exciting, and fun job – ad/editing, photo, illustration, styling and graphic design (the new logo). Click on the pics to see it larger.


Thank you contributors; Sara Blohmé, Jon Bergman, Pernilla Andersson, Karolina Eriksson, Andreijs Maria, Anders Söderberg, Moa Hoff, Camilla Engman, Liivian Talossa, Marcus Persson, Linda Glendell, Little Red Stuga, Tuss, Sandra/Smosch, Bengt Moberg, Carl Mårtensson, Margo Slingerland, Myrkott, Lena Corwin, Emma Von Brömssen, Malin Ngoie etc. Thank you all! Oh my, so nice to have it in my hand.



sara said...

Duktiga guldhöna, oj vad fint det ser ut jättejättenyfiken på att hålla den i min hand o se allt fin du gjort!

Anonymous said...

Where can I buy it?

Studio Duermevela said...

Wow! Congratulations! It seems to be a great work. Is it only available in Sweden?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It looks lovely. And it must be so much fun to work on projects like these...! I wish it was my job!

anette said...

Looks very good! Doing a hole magazine with talented friends what a challenging and wonderful job! I am very jealous and if I would still make the childrens collection I used to do I would have done a lot to get something published in your magazine...fantastic for you to be able to put all your different talents into one project! Looking very much forward being able to seeing more...

Anne said...


Lena said...

oh wow, elisabeth!
it looks amazing. how can i get a copy?!

Fine Little Day said...

Thank you :) Like the feeling of having such nice work collected in one place!

I know that the magazine is availble in Norway and Danmark as well. Send the magazine a email, and they will likely be able to help/send you a magazine where ever you live.


Anonymous said...

åh, grattis! Den ser jättefin ut. Men den är inte ute i handeln än va?
kram cissi

scaredy-cat said...

That looks just incredible! Now you'll have to find en återsäljare (can't remember the English word) here in Finland - it looks so great I'd buy it even though I'm neither parent nor a kid. ;)

Karolina said...

Ser fantastiskt fint ut Och vilket drömjobb sen..:)

evalunda said...

Super inspirerande!

Ciara Brehony said...

Wow! That looks fantastic! Congratulations!

giulia sagramola said...

Hi, I'm an italian student of graphic design, this project looks very good! It's lovely and well done! :)

Cherryskin said...

Looks fantastic! Very inspirational.

Jill said...

This looks amazing! Super nice work! And how fun to see so many bloggers and artists I admire among the credits. Thanks for the info on finding a paper copy...I'd love to track one down :)

MWM said...

just wonderful!
I need to find a copy:)

Anonymous said...

What a stunning project! Congratulations again. Very very inspirational stuff!

Fine Little Day said...

Cissi, nu ska den vara ute!

Arthur's Circus said...

Congratulations, your photography / design looks fantastic (as always). Shall definitely have to email the magazine and see if we can get a copy sent.

Inka said...

Oh my! It looks absolutely fantastic! Congratulations, you certainly are one very talented lady :)
I'll have to try to get a copy too :)

Diacritique said...

Wow ! Congratulations ! I hope we can have it sent anywhere...!

Meyer-Lavigne said...

Congratulations!!!! We have followed you for a long time and you are definetly the inspiration for us to start our own blog. How lucky we are that the magazine is available in Denmark as well.

hannna said...

hei! the are so many "fantastics" and "wonderfuls" that i feel like i'm too late to say anything. but, yes, i guess those are the words. great job! weird if nobody is distributing this magazine in finland as well. the logo is very cool. and sweet at the same time, that means quite perfect then

Anonymous said...

Å! Ser jättefint ut! Vad roligt, den ska jag köpa! (finns den ute nu??) :)))

Anna-Lisa said...

wow - it looks amazing - congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Oh so cool!
And I'm oh so jealous!
What a fab job ;o)

yasu said...

congratulations! I love what I see here.. i have to get this magazine, hope they have it in london too!

famapa said...

oh HELLO! vad fin den ser ut!!! jag vill ha jag vill ha jag vill ha. far aka till sverige bara for att kopa den :)

karin said...

Elisabeth, this is truly amazing. Well done!

Caterine said...

wow! what a great work. i hope i will find a way to get it.

Anonymous said...

Vilka vackra bilder...den skulle jag gärna vilja titta i.....finns den och få tag på i Sverige ?
Det måste vara en härlig känsla för dig....grattis än en gång!

Anonymous said...

wow, wow, wow!!


Anonymous said...

ser hur fint ut som helst! ser fram emot att titta i den på riktigt. ha en skön helg, vila!

Angélique said...

Wow, this looks lovely. Inspirational either! I will find out if i can get my hands on one of these petit magazines!

Maija said...

Congratulations! It looks great. I have to get a copy!

erika said...

what a great magazine, must have been amazing too work on!!! Can I buy it??

Anonymous said...

åh, vatt finns den? press stop perhaps. ska checka så fort jag kan. va kul! hoppas du känner dig lika nöjd som du borde vara! hurra!! glad helg.

elizabeth@shoptwig said...

Hi there! What a beautiful magazine! Congratulations. I'd love to get a copy but am in the States. Any ideas on where to get one? Is it on newstands in Sweden yet?

Anonymous said...

i am with everyone else ... where can we get a copy? congratulations, elisabeth. xxx

isoinpapu said...

oh! I have get one. So super super super!

Christoffer said...

det ser riktigt bra ut. jag vet hur mycket jobb som ligger bakom ett sådant här projekt - så stort grattis! :)

Joanna Goddard said...

THIS IS AMAZING!!!!! oh my goodness, so beautiful. and i LOVE the logo -- that's the first thing i noticed! the cover is adorablly enticing, but not overly sweet. so perfect!!! congratulations on an amazing job.

Joanna Goddard said...

ps. i launched the magazine bene (benemag.com) a few years ago and i remember thinking it was like a baby -- it is hard and stressful and it hurts and you wonder if it's worth it -- and then you hold it in your arms and fall in love with it and forget all the pain!


Nejmengud vad kul och superduperjättefint!!! Nu ska jag direkt ut och köpa ett par ex... (Ett till mig och några att ha i butiken).. Grattis till ett så kul jobb och fantastiskt slutresultat!

– Ska du fortsätta jobba med kommande nummer, eller har du gjort en form för någon annan att ta över?

Elena said...

Grattis! Tidningen ser verkligen primat ut!

Anonymous said...

Oh, there are photos of your amazing family-made dollshouses! You're probably starting a proper dollshouse-mania, all over the world!

Fine Little Day said...

Thank you for kind words. Your comments makes the effort all worth it!

Clara och Emma, jag hoppas att tidningen distrubieras över landet, men är inte säker. Säkert är att den finns i större städer dock.

elizabeth@shoptwig, mikodesign said, try to mail the magazine: info@petit-magazine.com

Frida, vad kul att du kan tänka dig att ha den i din butik. Fortsätta jobba med Petit? Vi får se vad framtiden bringar...

Joanna, you said it so right.

Francesca said...

oh! too beautiful. congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's very cool!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's very cool!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Elisabeth!Look wonderful.
Where can we buy it?
Happy weekend :)

Anonymous said...

elisabeth, the magazine is beautiful! such a huge feat! i really love that photo in front of the wall with the painted wave. wonderful job!

Rubyellen said...

FANTASTIC!!! Congratulations... oh please can I get a copy? Or how I can I get it here in the U.S.?

ashley said...

wow elizabeth! beautiful! it's like a culmination of all your eye candy in one book! i love your type for their logo...

Anonymous said...


marie said...

wow! this looks beautiful!

Esti said...


Stardust said...

Interesting & beautiful. Congratulations! I want to brush up my swedish skills with this!

ELO °° said...


layersofmeaning said...

can we buy it in the US?

Anonymous said...

Wow, beautiful, inspiring, wonderfully unique.
In other words, your usual :)

Anonymous said...

Love your work and to be able to hold in ny hands will make it perfect.
In other words: I love to buy an issue!
Is that possible?

read me... said...

Oh wow... i will email to see if i can get a copy sent to London... it looks fantastic. Congratulations, you must be thrilled!!

Fine Little Day said...

About buying a copy, try to mail the magazine:


perfectbound said...

truly spectacular! you did a wonderful job :) i just need to figure out how to get my hands on a copy. (it's probably more wonderful up close!)

Kerstin Svendsen said...

super fin. grattis!!

Sophie Chalumeau said...

It's looks fantastic! Definitely want to have a closer look at it (hope I can get a copy sent to Amsterdam).
And I also want to know all about the behind the scenes of this new project (will send you an email).

sulu-design said...

I'm so happy for you and all of the wonderful contributors to this lovely magazine. From what I can see here and at the other blogs that have featured it, it truly looks amazing. Congratulations!

Maria said...

Finns tidningen att köpa i vanliga tidningsaffärer? Typ Pressbyrån?

Fine Little Day said...

Maria, jag vet att den finns på Pressbyrån åtminstonde i större städer.

Kate Neckel said...

looks wonderful!!! where can i find it in nyc? congrats!!

Maria said...

Då ska jag kolla på Pressbyrån i vår mellanstora stad idag...=)

marie-louise said...

Så fint det ser ut, måste genast ta en promenad i solen och köpa den.

Anonymous said...

Super, congratulations, it's absolutely beautiful, I'm definitely going to try to order a copy...such a great job you have done (again!), irene xx

Astrid said...

very beautiful
well done

Anonymous said...

I love the font for petit, also love the photos of the children, they look so naturally happy!

Bi said...

Såå bra det blev! Grattis Elisabeth

fliss said...

WOW, absolutely fantastic!.. your work looks amazing, congratulations Elisabeth. I'm going to try and get a copy :)))

Barbara B. said...

this is beautiful!!!!!
congratulations Elisabeth :-))

Tiaz said...

oh where can i buy this?
i absolutely love your blog btw.


Anonymous said...

beställde en prenumeration direkt.
din blog är som en uppslagsbok i bra smak. tack för alla fina tips , ideer och inspiration.

men hur tusan får man tag på minä perhonens kläder och tyger?!?

Emily Donelan said...

just amazing ... beautiful work

meninaines said...

it looks perfect. i should be so pround!

Kelly said...

Wow! Such an improvement over the old logo/type. Lovely as always.

Samantha said...

That little red-headed girl on the cover is absolutely gorgeous.

Congrats, everything looks beautiful!

Anonymous said...

the logo is incredible! i check out your blog several times a week and just wanted to say congratulations! i worked in the children's fashion/product industry for about 4 yrs and i just loved it.. i miss it! the mag looks great! HAVE FUN!

Anonymous said...

This magazine seems to be attractive and interesting. How can I get a copy ?

Fabio Bucciardini said...

Beautiful work. Hope to have it soon!

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic, and so professional - congrats!

Anonymous said...

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