"I don´t have a minute over" I just told a friend. But you always need to eat. Combine good eating with good friends must be the best stress down medicine. Sandra and Johan invited Camilla, Morran and me over for breakfast this morning. We probably look funny sometimes when we meet Sandra, Camilla and me. A girl photographing a girl who´s photographing a girl. Was suppose to photograph of all three of us walking in the woods today, but it turned out to be kind of a self-centred photo instead... Thank you for a fabolous breakfast Sandra & Johan.
Marias and mine project, Levitate/Sväva are going to be in a Chicago show this weekend at Penelope's :)
Hej,en sen hälsning men glad vårhälsning från mori & mimosa!
I do agree, it was a good breakfast day... mmm. What lovely stockings as well, especially against the green moss.
oj haha, hälsningen gick lite snabbt...hann aldrig korrläsa, ursäkta kackig svenska, våryra kanske? :)m&m
I now have a strong craving for breakfast foods!!! Or maybe some rice!
I think meeting friends for breakfast (or brunch, lunch, dinner... but breakfast is the best in my book, maybe because I usually eat breakfast alone) is a brilliant way to de-stress! And wow, that breakfast table looks so summery, strawberries & everything.
By the way, the indians in the previous post surely would look good on fabric!
Va smarrit! Hur mkt man än har o göra - man hinner med sånt! :)
Fina bilder, den med 3*grönt längst ner va supersjyst!
wonderful! I will surely attend.
delicious colorS!
delicious colorS!
those green tights are HOT
min mormor hade också den där tallriken med plommon... ger mig nostalgi!!
I saw the show and it was great! Well done!
Wish I´ve been there too Mollie.
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