Sweden tonight, lighten candels in sorrow for Engla.
Maybe this is not the right forum to write about this kind of horrible things. Feels wierd to go from "This is a cool shop" to a poor little girl brutaly kidnaped close to her home. But the past week this has been almost all I can think of. Wish that the world was a better place.
finns nog inget ställe som känns rätt för sånt hemskt. vet inte var man ska ta vägen..
jag tycker det var fint med ett inlägg av dig iaf. Vi tänder ett ljus.
i agree. makes me sick to think of the things that happen to children these days. they need more help. nice that you'll have this ceremony for Engla.
I been thinking about Engla to, a lot......
i think it is very "cool" to be true, to honor a life. that's what it is all about.
Jag instämmer med Lisen.
Ibland är världen så förfärlig med hemska mörka händelser och då behöver man verkligen tända ett ljus som motvikt.
it's so sad that no matter what part of the world you live in this tragedy happens so often. the candle is a lovely reflection.
It's not so strange to go from cool shops to such a sad topic -- life is a wild mixture of all of these things.
I have not heard of Engla, and I think maybe that's just as well. All I now know is that she is a little girl who suffered, and she and her family will be in my thoughts.
As soon as I get to a place of feeling overwhelmed by the beauty the world has to offer, the unspeakable terror of being on a planet where people do these things tears all of it down and I start from scratch.
Det är så hemskt. Har följt med det i nyheterna och hoppades att hon skulle komma tillbaka.
Jag tror många tänder ett ljus för henne här i Finland också.
Jeg er enig, i dag hadde vi også en jente her i Norge som ble funnet, men heldigvis i live....
Tenner også et lys for ENGLA
i danmark vil der også være et lille lys for engla.
Der er sket sådan nogle helt forfærdeligt brutale ting på det sidste - både i danmark og i sverige.
Så et lille lys for den lille pige med det fine navn og i protest mod det forfærdelige.
i wish this too.
A chill run down my spine when I read your post, and I want to embrace my daughters now. Sometimes we need to realized we are the lucky ones. I'm so sorry for her family. A big hug to all the good people.
I can not imagine what people have in their soul to make that kind of cruelty. Losing someone in that way must be so hard...
that is so sad. we'll light a candle for her too. my heart breaks for her and her parents.
This story is too tragic. I cannot handle the fact that he could have been prevented from killing this sweet little girl, but was allowed to go free. Being a mom means feeling deep pain for children hurting everywhere.
I think about Engla a lot too and can't believe it's true what has happened to this little innocent being.
it really is scary what goes on these days. what is happening around is so sad... we think it would never happen to us (at least we hope) but you never know... we must cherish each moment God gives us!
I read the article about the little girl.
I know what you mean exactly.
I wish the world was a much better place and I feel that so often..which is very sad.
You do live in the other side of the world!...
Storys like Engla's are the everyday stuff in this side, be glad that you live over there.
Pray for her and think that you still can feel sorrow for one at the time.
so very sad. surely she is in a better place now. thank you for keeping her memory alive...
Very tragic. I think it is HUMAN to feel deep pain for the innocent all over the world. Particularly children.
To grow callous to such suffering is a mistake.
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