Inspired by the browsing yesterday we sat down to look in our favorite books today. This one is called "Makkara piruetti",
and we love it even if we don´t understand a word (finnish) in it. Written by Reetta Niemelä and illustrated by Matti Pikkujämsä. Couldn´t find out if Matti has a home page, anybody know?
Vilken underbar bok!
I haven't found a homepage for him. He's very popular in all kinds of magazines, a bit too much maybe. But he's unvariably good!
Happy to hear the book is one of your favourites! I like the writings too, maybe someone could translate it in Sweden. It's translated into russian.
Wow, gorgeousness. The images are so wintry and cozy!
waw... it looks gorgeous!
that book looks so adorable, especially the hand-drawn lettering and the colors. great find.
hannna, yes this is one of or big book treasures. Thank you once more for the good trade we did :)
seesaw designs, indeed! The hand lettering is splendid in this book.
this typo is really good!
This book looks fantastic, great illustrations. Love the way you present it in your blog:) Looks like you had a good time together reading it... Have a nice evening!
Thanks for visiting my place again.
You make my days...;)
Woww! I have seen there- on the last photo is wrriten in russian- in my language!!! You saw it- Всем классно!!! I am very surprised!!! Yohohoooo!
i like matti pikkujämsä a lot. makkarapiruetti is one of my all-time favourites - the simple red-blue-whiteness is stunning. reetta niemelä is also great. i wish someone translated makkarapiruetti so you could read it too.
the illustrations (and typography) are beautiful in this book. I can see why you'd like it without being able to read it.
oh, i love this book already from what you showed here!! i like the title as well - although i do not understand finnish. i guess it says "raindeers pirouettes" ;)
i love childrens books, too, i mean, the ones like this.. maybe it's time to post one of my favourites again ;)
Who wouldn't like an ice skating moose!?
Great book,I like the title (in finnish) as well.
shiiitfin! påminner lite om björn rune lie??
emma, det finns likheter helt klart.
looks really great! sometimes understanding isn't that important. you can make your own story :)
oi, i was so surprised to see finnish here! really a nice book. a friend of mine is named reetta niemelä, but i don't think she's that reetta. :) if you want ever, i could translate some of it!
Oh you´re sweet Jenna :) I wonder what the title means to begin with?
Really attractive and fun-I see why its a favourite-
Annamaria :)
nice to see all your new posts in the beggining of the year! happy new years!
remember this one, i think you showed it here before long time ago! it looks very nice,would like to have it in my hands!
I LOVE the drawing of Matti Pikkujämsä!
I like the way he draws in (i think) acryllics. Maybe the computer is more now in the background for illustrators now...
Very nice, but very very very nice*
This book looks amazing! Love the characters.
The name translates as Pirouette of sausage. I haven't read the book, but was thinking it might be something to do with the skating figures - we used to call one figure as makkara (sausage) when kids.
Couldn't find website either.
Gorgeous! I know what you mean some of my favourite books aren't in English and can't understand them.
what a great looking book
Yeah, it's a sausage piroutte in English, korv.. någåt.. på svenska.
That looks a lovely book! I could translate it too, if someone is really into reading it. I'm studying English (and Swe.) in Finland, so this is an issue that really fascinates me, translating!
Elsa, thank you. I just had it translated for me it´s a great little story and the title is just like you said "sausage pirouette" or korvpiruett :)
the illustrations look wonderful.
About the planes wallpaper: funny, I thought of you when posting them! I have a few more for later.
Have a great week and a great year!
Wow, that book looks great!! Think it would be one of my favourites too, I'll have to try and get hold of a copy!
You can find moore of theese Matti Pikkujämsä books in www.adlibris.com
Thanks Minna!
Greetings from Finland :)
Makkarapiruetti is really funny nonsense book and I love the pictures too!
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