It´s nice to be indoors when you´ve been out in the cold all day. And so nice to relax by browsing sites
like this Japanese variant filled with loads of beautiful book covers and illustrations from books published
in Czech Republic.
Found through Bohemian Girl.
I´m so looking forward to this spring when my sister, mother and I are going for a weekend trip
to Prague. I sure will ask you for some tip where to go to find treasures like this then!
La Casita de Wendy, winter sale!
How cheerful!
I am smiling.
I just came back from the Czech republic! I think you would love the festive christmas and new years' markets. The locals were selling the most beautiful handmade, handpainted items and I would have spent all my koruna's if it wasn't freezing cold!
These are wonderful. I really love the one with the triangle trees.
GORGEOUS treasures!
Oh...I bet you can't wait to go!
Lovely stuff, wouldn't mind decorating with a bit of that!
(I say while listening to some of the new The Knife stuff which is not out yet, which seems to fit so well!)
Gorgeous illustrations! Unfortunately I didn't find anythings as nice as your post when I was there few years ago... I was little disappointed because of it but at least I found many "Krtek" related stuff... you know the mole... :)
( http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=604119588026816292&ei=mTZGS8SHCY2s2AKZ5LDdCw&q=krtek&view=3&client=firefox-a# )
these are adorable! lovely site.
C, I´m sure of it! Can´t wait for March...
starsandclouds, sound so perfect.
.naa. oh yes love krtek a rybka!
this aesthetic is so refreshing , it is unlike so much one would see ....it is special...I have a few old russian childrens books and they are out on their own....lovely post elisabeth.
I was in prague as part of my honeymoon and meeting an artist who also made hats and clothes inspired me to go back to selling my work and combining fine art and craft.
The museums are fantastic...look into them I think.
my word verification is trust ....I like
Refreshing is the word Jane. And trust, how nice :)
thank you for the lovely links again! :)))
Haha! Really! Very fun! ;)
ah! lovely blast of colour and joy.
oh my goodness. i have just clicked on the link and now, okay, now i am in heaven.
and weirdly, we are also listening to some of the new Knife record.
superfina omslag!
låter också super med en resa till prag! dit vill jag också åka en dag.
oh waw, this is fantastic!!!! want them all!!!
These are just wonderful! I am rather partial to the one with all the faces, but I love them all.
present and correct (from the UK) also occasionally have some. i don't know if you are aware of their website- i love it!
here it is: http://www.presentandcorrect.com/
oh prague! nice. would love to go back there again.. went there in christmas time some years ago. the market was lovely but freezing cooold. i remember some secondhand bookshops and many antique shops there. i bought some old stamps as well.
Wonderful, wonderful find, right down my alley!
Enia Is (Almost) Here, didin´t know about them. Thanks for a good tip.
I love this. I tried to pick which was my favorite, but kept changing my mind. All so nice!
elisabeth, i just got your e-mail, and all i can say is thank you thank you thank you! you are just the best! i can't wait to post it, i'm so excited! so so excited! this is lovely, by the way. just as everything here is! thanks again soooo much, wonderful wonderful you! :)
How pleasant to look at!
Brilliant, all of them. I could not possibly pick a fave. And I hope you enjoy the countdown to spring and Prague with your sister and mum.
luvly illustrations!
n i like ur other photos too :))
Men gu va snygga omslag! Prag e en fin stad, men det va nog 11 år sedan jag var där. Så jag ska inte ge mig på å ge dig några tips.
these are great book covers ... in a way similar to the ones made by Polish. Hope you will be lucky in Prague ...
I love them! I am so happy to see my roots promoted. Aren't chech childrens book illustators incredibly inspiring?
My views jumped so I went to look how that happened! This is an honour, Elizabeth, just to be mentioned here.
You made a nice collage and the announcement of your trip is good. I will definitely take you to the places with old books or tell you where to find them. There is also a recent stuff that is in common book shops: http://www.baobab-books.net/books.php. The founders are also teachers at the Art Academy, illustration department.
Just found your blog and you have nice photos here :-)
These book covers are also lovely!
Bohemian girl, I will defenetlay consult you when we´re going :)! Thanks for the book shop tip!
ah so jealous! prague is one of my favorite places. i miss my time there so much!
oh really good! i start to appreciate the old styles of books from my childhood (70s). i didn't really - until some years ago. now i see them with different eyes.....
i like especially the blue one with the white circle.. so minimalistic, so cool.
I remember a lot of Czech animations from TV growing up. I love them more now than I did then. Thank you for the link.
Many nice pictures. Snow i dont like but Otto has fun i think. Hugs
It brings a smile to my face when I see all the lovely hand generated graphics - and how quirky they are! Lovely find!
Beautiful covers!
oh my. wow! the colors & illustration are absolutely lovely!!!!!!!! thanks tons for sharing!
truly wonderful books
oh they are so beautiful. i love how bold and gentle they are. i have just discovered your blog and i am really loving it! thank you.
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