


Plenty of time for drawing and crafting (a great thing about visiting my mother). Found these excellent textile chalks in a second hand store. Tomorrow – some shots from antique shops, vintage finds and the tree house.


Anonymous said...

What a lovely and fresh idea - linen with happy spots. Great mob pics btw. Looking fw to more trip stories. Adore your blog always.

Lori said...

i love these activities :^)

can't wait to see the treehouse!


Lotte said...

Wow...The chalks are great...never seen ones like these...
Only tush=markers to draw on clothes with...
Welcome home :D

Esti said...

I can't find nothing like those chalks around here. Seems fun!

; said...

nej men, har aldrig sett sådana kritor!
Ska bli kul att se mer foton från resan:)

Michelle said...

Oh how fun! I have never seen textile chalks before.

Anonymous said...

dom ser så goda ut, som isglass. :)

fanja said...

these chalks look fun, i want some .

Anonymous said...

Textile chalks? I would love to get my hands on some.

meetmeatmikes said...

HOW wonderful! I would LOVE some of those! How lovely and dotty!