The sofa, and the armchair - ready. Handyman!
The room will take a couple of more days.
Tomorrow, off to our place again, yay.
Will bring a bunch of tea towels, hopefully I will have time to play.
The swedish version of the Mr Mustache book will be sold out soon.
But then we have the english ones :)
your sofa is so beautiful !!! Samantha
gorgeous sofa!
The sofa looks like new! Can you come work on mine?
the bambi collection looks great!
Love your stump. We have lots in the yard from a tree that was cut down. Not sure my husband would like it as a table, even though he did give one to the children for their outdoor fort.
Home sweeeeet home.... Do you know that this weeks 'cornerviews' are about mustaches..? All these mustaches everywhere! Your Book looks WonderFull...!
Love your blog!
BananaSaurusRex, I'll send him over ;)
this sofa is too beautiful!!!!!
Vilket jobb! Jag har precis också inhandlat en gammal soffa som behöver kläs om...
Love your sofa!! Looks really comfortable as well!
Your sofa looks lovely!
nice job! :)
it's good to have an handy man.
the sofa looks great!
enjoy your summer house.
I will have to buy one of the book!
Great collection of lovely ceramic deers^^
the sofa looks so great!! So nice to have such a Handy-man!!
Hej hej! I love the atmosphere your outdoor pictures have so please can you make some when you go to your homesweethome. Thanks and enjoy!
hehe! Hiro looks very disappointed that he is being denied his absolute right to scratch the sofa ...
good news about the book xx
Va fint det blev!! Ser nästan ut som ACNES soffor fast mycket, mycket finare : )
That is sofa is fantastic!
Elisabeth, reading all this comments I'm sure your sofa must be so proud and happy, so many words of her beauty and good-looking ;-) greetings from kavkadesign
What a clever husband you have! The sofa looks great!
undra hur lång tid det tar innan kissen vässar klorna igen?
I love that sofa!
You make moving seem like a very lovely thing to do. I want to move house now.
Fantastisk sofa!
Liker så godt hjemmet ditt, fargene og stilen:)
oh wow, i'm really impressed! did he have special upholstery needles for that? it looks perfect.
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