Still on vacation, but a short stop at home before we leave again.
Travel gives you new perspectives. She has decide that it is time to
take away the toys from her room. But she do not have the heart to
take them all of course.
Love this.
Funny faces, thanks Furze Chan :)
New interesting exhibition att Napa books.
Hello. Where did you get the multi-colored baskets in your white shelves, please? Thanks.
Anonymous, they are from Åhléns http://www.ahlens.se/ a couple of years ago...
What a great start to the more grownup room...our son went through this 2 years ago and now the next one, I think I have a harder time, have a great rest of your trip!
do keep them in a closed plastic bag for when perspective changes again and she wants them back!!
these toys are really cute.
hope you keep enjoying your holidays!
love this little grouping of toys. vacation sounds good - enjoy
those dolls are beautiful.
ps: good luck on the house hunt!!
Wow--those woven colored baskets are fantastic!!
we just did this too...so sad in a way but happy too to see a few of the old favorites on a shelf!
Glad you hear she's not going to take all of them out, they might get sad.
I distinctly remember giving away most of my toys to a family with younger children down the road...I regretted it the next day, but it was too late!
Yes, we went through the phasing out of toys recently a well. Last year she got rid of most of them but kept the special dolls. At the beginning of this summer, the special dolls went as well. i think there are a few stuffed animals left though. This has all been replaced with polishes and potions and clothes. Sigh...
They grow up so fast.
Erin :)
oh elisabeth :( .....I know , I know ,I know
good luck with secret plan (I am praying for you )
Ah, that sleeping rock made me grin.
I could not agree more. Travel lets you see things in a new light. I am travelling these days through film and loving it. It if winter and it is film festival time!
My girl is growing too. 10 years old. We just dropped her at sleep-way camp in Vermont. She was excited for a new adventure.
Very cheerful colour and arrangement of the basket. I like these Expedit shelves.
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