I held a lecture in Copenhagen yesterday for such a friendly and nice crowd that
it touched me.
Me my self and I
I spoke about a lot of things but I guess I missed much of what I wanted to say
anyway. What I did say, was for example a bit about my background. About me
taking hundreds and hundreds photos of myself when I was younger. Trying to
figure out who I was and who I wanted to be. And how the pictures themselves
led my focus over to another thing in the end - pictures.
You, 70 000
I also talked about how greatful and amazed I am about how you, over 70 000 (!)
people a month, are peeping in to my world here and there. And that you obviously
find some of my picture world interesting.
I talked about my ambivalence, and facination about using kids in commercial contexts.
About jobs I've done. How I have directed the picture world of myself, and how I still
do - and how much I enjoy it.
What I also said was that I prefer blogs with a lot of pictures, and less text.
Thanks again Lisa, Laura & Denis!
And thank you sweet crowd who came, listen to me and made me feel comfortable
in the roll as myself.
You really are, obviously, an inspiration to many. I would have loved to be there.
and ps - I heart these little pictures!!
sometimes I think it would be so nice to know you for real ... thanks for sharing your world. love it. katrin
great photos my dear
Another thing I talked about is how positive and nice this blog sphere is, and how good it can make you feel as a human. Big words, but I it's true.
Thanks girls.
It was such a pleasure meeting. A hello from Denis too. We are glad you enjoyed your stay.
Greetings from Copenhagen, lisa
Oh, how I wish I were there!
Oh I love this! You are fabulous!
wow. wish i could have been there to hear you speak! sounds amazing...
Thank you for such a nice afternoon. It was very inspiring and we were so happy to meet you. We will certainly take up you invitation to Fika. Can´t wait.
ah, what treat it would've been to hear you SAY those things in person. i'm not at all surprised that we flock here in our droves, it's LOVELY!
oh it sounds great! im sure you were an amazing speaker to them :-)
I would have loved to be there.
My blog fills my void and makes me feel human too.
A lovely way to put it.
I would love to go to Denmark! Check out Decor Trends!
· { so wonderful to meet you IRL, ;-) you are a big big and fine inspiration ... fika one day in Göteborg it will be ;-))) wonderful weekend } ·
Åh, det hade varit fint att vara där och lyssna på dig! <3
It was a joy to meet you and see all of your work. Thank you for being such an inspiration :-)
Best wishes from the UK Xx
I wish I could have been there too,
good luck with everything :-)
great photos
Elisabeth, yours was one of the first blogs I ever discovered three years ago, and one that inspired me to take the plunge into the world of blogging. Thank you. You truly are an inspiration. Your photographs are amazing.
I'm not surprised so many call in to visit here every week!
SO wish I could have been there for your talk. :-)
Thank you for sharing these words with us. Wish we all could have been there.
I would love to be there :)
Happy weekend!
Oh, had I only known about this! I'd loved to be there. Are you coming back? :)
I love your pictures elisabeth & its extra nice to read how much of an important part of you they are.
A very nice post.
oh & 70 000 WOW, glad to be one of them!
gött tjejen visste tt du skulle fixa biffen! Du är så bra.
I'm not planning to come back in the nearest future, but maybe I'm holding another lecture in Gothenburg further on :)
70 000 hits on your page, that is something, congratulations! You deserve the attention.
It is interesting what you say about you taking pictures of yourself to find out who you were, it is like you wanted to see a real of you, no matter what you have to encounter. I think it is mature way to get to know oneself. (I, for example, would have never been so brave, and I had a similar desire when I was younger, too)
Very nice too meet you Elisbeth and thanks a lot for telling about your work and yourself :) Keep on going.
I will deffently let you know when I start my own blog, I did this so far, which you might have seen... avantGarden-avantGarden.blogspot.com
all the best
RATZER, the same Tina!
Your Ratzer header looking very promising, looking forward to see more :)
well done! what lucky students to have you direct them - you are an inspiration to the world Elisabeth!:)
Ooohhh - I would have love to be there too. I totally agree - you are great inspiration and I hope you will come to Copenhagen again for another talk.
It was so nice and inspiring to meet you E...
Hope to see you again...
Valby Hugs
Wow,I really enjoyed of your photos.
Could I ask you dear, how could you make them? Is there a special program for it?
Thank you
parisa mahmoudi, thank you :) It's an Iphone ap called Hipstamatic (you'll need an Iphone for it).
great blog thank you perfect for Conservatory sail blinds
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