Three houndred kilometres south, my parents in law's house. In the countryside. All calm and nice.
Three winners in UGUiSU's giveaway - Kyile (paper balloons), Nathalie (cloth) and Alessandra
(masking tape). Congratulations ladies, and thank you so much Hiki.
Peter Nencini.
han den där hiro är en sån hunk! vilka fantastiska tassar.
The inside of that book is gorgeous!
Yay! I'm so happy to have won the tablecloth! Thank you!
Oh and lovely photos again! My cat is starting to look like yours. He old ans loosing his hair. Very odd to look at...
that floral wallpaper is incredible!
So lovely, the books illustrations and wallpaper.
Hello! I have awarded you the Sunshine Award because I enjoy your following your blog. Please stop by my blog and check it out!
åååå underbara bilder, jag behöver också en lite get away snart :)
Lilla Hiro är allt en riktig sötnos!
I love the wallpaper at their house! It sounds like you are having a relaxing time..
oops I won again!
thank you!
love the wallpaper, the book and Hiro cat...and Tovalisa is a sweet girl!
beautiful, beautiful pictures! so lovely this wallpaper...
and, a little late, but - happy easter!
jag sa det nyss jag säger det igen, man smäller rakt i golvet över den där katten. ni ser ut att ha't minst sagt gött!! keep it! :D
insidan av boken så fin, tänker alltid tapet när jag ser de där färgerna. sommarstuga-tapet. har t-l linser nu. så söt hon är. och katten är så underbar.
oh that book!
This house looks magically pretty. :)
Liker vesken på toppen godt:) Herlige farger og mønster! Høres deilig ut med en tur på landet:)
gorgeous!!!! that flowered wallpaper is to die for. and, your daughter is so cute especially with hiro as an accessory :)
great photos! the end papers of that book are beautiful :)
Thank you Elisabeth! This is just wonderful :) Kx
i love that first picture. its so pretty!!
så himla söta tassar!!
så väldigt inspirerande - verkligen.
I absolutely love everything you have seen here elisabeth , and the wallpper , I have a good mind to come over to sweden to see it ...I LOVE it .
Glad you had calm and quite :)
I just love your little cat. What breed is it?
Ali B, thanks. It's a Devon Rex.
Thanks for the quick response! My friend and I were trying to figure out the breed last weekend. I want one... super unique....love the ears! :)
Great pics. Gorgeous cat, i was going to ask if it was a sphinx. but i see you have already said it is a Devon Rex. Great breed!!! We have 2 pet quality. not sure if they are purebred or mix with sphinx.
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