
The studio looks more like a toy store these days. That's nice.

Nina Lindgren.



ColeAndJosephine said...

I love the rug! Where is it from?

Fine Little Day said...

The grey and white rug is from Bolagret:

The other one is a vintage find.

Gali said...

There is such a lovely homey feeling from that fourth photo!

annamaria potamiti said...

The studio looks very inviting-fun but orderly at the same time-a great space for creative work-
thanks for the link-
Annamaria :)

Erika Olson Gross said...

How wonderful! I love that big plastic doll...she has a great face.

Esti said...

your studio looks like adventureland, where anything can happen.

Yanyan said...

It looks so happy and cozy!

at swim-two-birds said...

love your studio, so much light too! what is that lovely wooden panel in the last pic?

nath said...

great looking space. and so neat! i love your big galvanised steel bin.

Fine Little Day said...

Renilde, I belive it is a lid to something because it has rails underneath. To what I don't know though.

Karin Wijk said...

Mycket spännande grejer!!! Gillar den bruna pojken på väggen, så söt!/ Karin

Hege Synøve Kolstad Evensen said...

oh, the lamp on top reminds me of my childhood:) Great stuff:)

Louise said...

That is nice!

Hanna Päivikki said...

Oh, your studio looks inviting. Hope you'll have good working and playing days!

Blomflicka/Amanda said...


Megan Dempsey said...

Beautiful!!! I am always attracted to children's things, it seems. I guess some companies forget that adults like color and inspiration, too!

sarah nadine said...

i say, that's cute!


the vintage rug is awesome!

Lovely World said...

I hope this means that work feels like play all day. That would be nice, no?

Cheryl Cambras said...

so does mine! :) my toys take on a life of their own and fuel my work. lovely photos.

MaryBeth Houlihan said...

this studio made me smile. so colorful, cheery and inviting. i love it!

Evie said...

so beautiful! i love the colourful rug. and the little person hanging on the wall in the second shot. this looks like the loveliest place to work x

Veja cecilia said...

min brosch, det är så roligt när du använder den:)

Fine Little Day said...

Cissi, tröttnar aldrig på den :)

teddybearswednesday said...

I LOVE your studio!! I think it is the best studio I've ever seen, and I love that it "looks more like a toy store".
Mine does too, but no where near as nice, and well I don't have a studio, my living room/dining table/couch all double as my studio

; said...

ja, det är jättenice:)

la casita de wendy said...

I love how it looks... its so inspiring ♥

Anonymous said...

what a happy studio!

Jane O Sullivan said...

that sure is nice !
a lovely post elisabeth ...your studio looks like a happy place and I am glad that it is ...I would love to join you there over a fika ...tommorow at 11am okay !

the lady of the books has got to me , thank you

Anonymous said...

You have such a beautiful studio! Did you tidy it for the photo does it always look like this? If so then I am mightily impressed by your organization skills! :-)

marie said...

great link!
i especially liked the hand-bound books
thanks -)

Ashley mo said...

Always ur pics are so amazing :)

LittlePerson said...

I love that vintage room!!!

Ciara Brehony said...

Oh gorgeous!! My kind of place. I adore that lampshade. And that little print is just perfect.

Ulrika said...

Den är verkligen helt fantastiskt fin er ateljé! Det måste vara härligt att få gå till ett sånt ställe när man ska jobba!

Ylva said...

supersnygg matta. Tack för tips, måste kolla Bolagret någon dag.

Kaylovesvintage said...

can I come to play

Anonymous said...

Looks cute and nice to work in :-)

alessandra said...

Can't wait to see with what you will come up next, Violet Ladies!

Bichos da Matos said...

So beautiful that piece of wood with the horse, a home full of toys is always great!

Kylie said...

That's so gorgeous! My work room is the same - so much 'stuff' it's too full to work in there! ;) When does our accumulation of things stop I wonder? Lovely photos. Kx

Leililaloo said...

Wow, what a inspiring place to work you have! The lamp is toatlly groovy :))

Thanks for the nathalie Lete bopok tip the ortehr day. I just ordered and received it. It's so amazing!

when skies are grey said...

I always love these type of shots you take, so much to look at. Love it all!

SARA said...

Fint!Har en likadan tavla med hästen och gubben, undrar vem som gjorde dem..!?

tintin said...

just realised that i wouldn't know what to do every day if it weren't for your blog..kind of pushing me along to see something nice. thank you very much for sharing with us all.

Anonymous said...



