Pets around the house.
Maybe maybe maybe a Devon Rex are joining our
family this spring. Me and the kids hope so.
Congratulations Ulrika, you won the giveaway from Eddy & Edwina!
The Sailor & Pekka book and one of my boards arraived to Japan
Didin't know that there was japanese Sailor & Pekka versions.
how cute!! xoxo
I love your pets. You seem to have really cool stuff lying around your house all the time :)
Devons är de bästa!
I hope so too :)
that bear is absolutely adorable
I love Devon Rexs!! We wondered into a cat show, many years ago and saw them there-so cool looking. I didn't use to be a cat lover, but they are the easiest, coolest pets...you guys will love it :)
(p.s. do you know how you litter box train them? you show them were it is, done.)
hehe what a funny little collection of things! Xx
hamsterdjuret!! :D
Amazing pictures! Great :)
oh my! now THAT is an interesting pet! i think it is from another world! i hope you get one too!
åh ja! min syster har en cornish rex...bästa katten jag nånsin träffat. men passa gnagaren då :)
You are just so good Elisabeth :)
Sweet pets!
Annamaria :)
i have a cornish rex and she is the most amazing creature i've ever had. they have wonderful, loving personalities. hope you get one!
i love your pets! the little frog skins are adorable.
So you say that the Devon Rex race is good, sounds great. We are reading every thing we find about it now.
oh I like so much the velvet frogs!!!
i like the bear's red lip :D
Those are some funny-looking "pets!" The cat looks great. Hope you get one. I've only had shelter or barn cats.
va gulliga. särskilt sista lirar'n!
vilket crew ni har ändå, men hoppas ni får påfyllning... :)
The craft work detailed in this post seems like a very good job of excellent appreciation.
bali resorts
pets around the house !! ...I like it
reminds me of the time I got into trouble (well one of the times) for cutting little oblongs out of the fur cape in the dressing up box at school ...to make them into pets for my friends ;)
ps. I may have a few left if any one wants one (hee hee)
meaow, what a beautiful cat ^-^
love the furry thing on the third pic
I enjoy your lively blog. Amusing to see your unique, fresh and even rough ideas!
That's so lovely !
nice post! hope you'll have the cat!
Love the frogs, and the last one, is it an hamster?? Hope you get the cat even though I think they're a bit strange, but, hey, I'm dog lover, anyway! Have a good week:)
Bichos da Matos, maybe a mole?
All my congratulations for Ulrika! You are really very lucky!!! ;)
That third photo is so cute! I want one!
men hur söt var inte den sista?!
å devon precis det inomhusdjur jag kan tänka mig. mellan hund och katt. vill ha varmt och sitta nära. inte mycket hår. ja den har allt och öronen!!!!!lyckkoss. annars gillar jag höns men lite svårt i stan:)
Once the you get the "cat" Otto's pets will be in danger!!
oh goodness, that's exciting! i have a devon and he really is the best. they are such magical little creatures, really lovely personalities. good luck!
i couldn't resist, here is a picture of my little guy. maybe it will convince you! ;)
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