
Makes me truly happy - Shoebox art.

"125 childred aged between 8 and 10 were given a shoe box and asked to recreate their bedroom, or room
from their home, and to write a few sentences about it."



at swim-two-birds said...

great!!!! that site is also super, very playful :-)

Yanyan said...

This is beautiful! Thanks for sharing! Yanyan( love your blog)

Unknown said...

kids are so cool!

Jenna said...

ah, i love this! you have the best finds. i love reading what children say too. i have an eric carle book and it has a bunch of letters children have written to him in it, and they're so adorable!

annamaria potamiti said...

What an absolute delight!

Anonymous said...

I love this! This would have been right up my alley when I was that age. ( I think it still could be!) Thanks for sharing!

Karumen said...

kids r the most creative :))

thx for sharing!

Jodi Anderson said...

I love this. It reminds me of when my grandma made a house out of cardboard boxes for my Barbie dolls. I wish that I still had it.

Ah, thanks for awakening the nostalgia. :)

Anonymous said...

Elisabeth, this is so cool!!

I hope that you won't mind, but I nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger award. It made me smile, thought you might like, that is, if you haven't been nominated a bunch already;)

fliss said...

max was only asking me this morning what he should make out of his shoe box from his new school shoes. i will have to show him this! thanks elisabeth.

Minna said...

We have the same ones at home, super cool !

Hello Sandwich said...

This is so beautiful! Don't they look amazing all stacked together like that! I love! Thank you for sharing! I wish we could make one together one day Miss Elisabeth!
Love Love
Hello (omote)Sando

Ulrika said...

Vilken fin idé!

lili scratchy said...

thank you so much for this link!
I love it,and my children too!!!

Kylie said...

This has just made my day. Love it :) K



C. C. said...

wow, nice project, love it!

Hila said...

I remember doing a project like this when I was in school, I loved it!

Anette said...

Einfach genial :-)))
Gefällt mir unheimlich gut!

Laura said...

What a fun idea!!

Chaucee said...

That is so cute! I love how each home and is totally different. Love the styles.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful. Thank you so much!

Bichos da Matos said...

Amazing, my best friend works with children in an elementary school and she did a similar project:) Each child should do his bedroom in a shoe boxes and they had lots of fun!

teddybearswednesday said...

This is sooooooooo gorgeous! the site is wonderful thank you much for spreading the happiness.

Débora said...

I love this! Makes me happy too :)

annapernilla said...

vilken fin sida och vilken bra idé:)
Jag har faktiskt ett skokartongshus uppe på vinden som J och jag gjorde för nått år sedan.Kul!

Christine said...

oooh so nice!

à petit bruit said...

I love it too ! So funny…

ieva jansone said...

this is one of the most charming projects i've seen lately! thank you for finding it! i'll link on it from my blog.

when skies are grey said...

Awesome! Looks almost as though you were working side-by-side with the children on this ;)

Sobinique said...

This is so cute, what a great project!

Melissa said...

these are fantastic interpretations

molly said...

absolutely fantastic!

molly-meg said...

so lovely

Eugen Caitaz said...

When I look on this cool art, I remember one of my favorite game- The neverhood!!! Maybe you know it??? ;)

Fine Little Day said...

Jenea, you're right the tone is defenatly The neverhood. Didin't know about it, thanks!