This place, so relaxing and festive.
I once told Tovalisa that I would love to start collecting the tableware of Swedish Grace. She had remember
that and bought me my first cup as a Christmas present :)
Reincarnated furniture, textile & home - Nightwood. Via leililaloo.
beautiful carpet, it looks really cosy. And how sweet of her she remembered, must have been a lovely christmas.
Åh, tack Elisabet! God jul tillbaka :)
I simply LOVE that Chesterfield in the first photo!
Merry Christmas!
hello miss yellow socks :0
yes , I am enjoying this magical suspended , inbetween time ...
sån ett mysigt ställe! god forstättning!!
min pappa samlar på snapsglas, det är en bra julklapp o blir en riktigt finfin samling!
warm and full of love!
woah! the carpet, the socks, the present... looks like a perfect christmas. enjoy!
Looks like you're having a great time!
Thanks for the link too.
such beautiful hands- the look as though they are from a vermeer painting...
wow! swedish grace is so beautiful!! thanks for introducing it to me! It will probably be my next obsession!
Merry Christmas! I like your yellow socks.
So cozy. Looks like your holiday is grand.
what a neat place. :) i like the book.
hahahah! Funny, I like your socks, it reminds me of my grandmother who was knitting socks on Christmas, for me and my sister's! :)
Have a Fine little day!
vilken otroligt fin julklapp av T-L:)
god fortsättning!
beautiful photos!! LOve the warm color and texture!
god fortsättning!
So cozy!!! You all have the cutest socks!
Underbart mysiga bilder! Gillar speciellt bilden med de gula sockorna. God fortsättning! / Karin
that carpet is insane - so beautiful!
åh, fina sockor! (jag funderar på att köpa mig en kompaktkamera och tänkte bara fråga om du kanske har något tips på någon bra och inte alltför dyr? :) )
fablernas vaerld...made in the Neterlands
love the first photo
yes, that carpet is phenomenal! so happy you had a lovely white christmas. ours was green and bright... as expected. we must find some snow soon.
I love the pics in this post! :)
Ida, jag gillar Ricoh GR.
such cozy pictures. (late) merry christmas to you!
The star is upside-down.
I had that book when I was little!!! like 30 years ago. I was five years old and I don't even remember how is it called. We used to live in the middle of the mountains in Peru.How it got there, who knows...
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