
Yesterday - some rain, some sunshine, loads of food and drink and happy friends. One of our best midsummer eve´s ever :)
Hope you had a nice time too.

Selected Works by Tal R.

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jenna said...

oh, lovely! sounds like a wonderful midsummer, definitely looks like one! glad midsommar, elisabeth!

Julia said...

Härligt! Glada vänner är bra att ha :0)

Leciawp said...

happy solstice! xo

at swim-two-birds said...

Oh, that is again that messy&cosy family:). The Supermanlegs in the right corner are hilarious!

melly said...

thank you for that wonderful photo of those daisies, love them!

Anonymous said...

oh how much i love daisies!

anna said...

nothing better than that! Love the yellow lamp and the ape btw :)

julia said...

the monkey and the cat pic- if i met an elf who has a wish for me, i´d wish for these!

nice shirt on thst guy!

and hey, there´s superman!

nice to hear you had a great day...

midsummer is celebrated here, too- at every ikea shop :)

Jane O Sullivan said...

we too have lots of wonderful ox-eye daisies all around where we live. They make me feel so happy. Happy solstice everyone !

Débora said...

Looks like you're having fun!
Happy weekend :)

Anonymous said...


marie-louise said...

Javisst är det härligt - Midsommar - vilket vackert ord!
men du, det tar så lång tid för mig innan dina bilder kommer fram nuförtiden, det är ju bra med stora kort men...(kanske beror det mest på min egne kassa dator?)

God fortsättning på sommaren!

orange sugar home said...

your home (if it is) looks so loved and lived in...and I think I see a little one in a super hero costume - very cute!!

Anaïck Moriceau said...

thanks for the "big size pics " link
my pics are not relly great but it's nice to look closer !

; said...

låter bra det! vi hade också en riktigt lyckad midsommar:)

Anonymous said...

i spy a very cute kitten in that first photo :)

nath said...

looks totally lovely. ox-eye daisies are such a sign of summer for me. they grow in such abundance.

just wanted to say thank you for introducing me to dosfamily. i am really enjoying nosing about!

p.s. i still have that book for you..!

natsumi said...

I can see that you had such great time! Thank you for sharing lovely photos! Daisy is one of my favorite!

Have a great week! ox

Make it Easy said...

what a great place!

seesaw designs said...

glad midsommar!