Thank you so much for your encouraging comments yesterday, I really appreciate it :) It´s awesome to have a colloboration like this, with someone who lives in another part of the world. I maybe old fashioned but I still get impressed by such things. And of course it feels like a luxury to work with such a talanted person as Maria. Thank you again for all your hard work Maria!
Today – walking with Camilla (Morran had other things to do). So lovely to have the light back again, after long dark winter. Back home again, some clipping (or is it cutting it´s called?), inspired by this. Clipping/cutting is such nice therapy.
thank you for inspiring me. i am sitting in los angeles and every morning it is so nice to check in on my freinds in goteborg....i love that the world can become so small...congratulations also on your new project...
I really like your framed clipping/cutting... so beautiful
I think I would call it a collage
vilken fine little day! :) du har postat så mycket fint de senaste dagarna.
vilka fina! O i ram blir allt så ÄNNU mer fint också.
jag associerar direkt till de fyrkantiga figurerna ,vad heter de..tossingarna? I boken "Tummen o tossingarna" av Inger o Lasse Sandberg.
I love what you came up with for your clipping. Like building blocks.
Vad fin, klipp tavlan alltså.
Gick jag omkring med den där rosa fluffen på näsan hela dagen? ;)
oj ohoj vad fint
världsfina färger ju! Och former. och jag håller med om klippandet, det är väldans befriande och rooligt. en helg för ett tag sen klippte jag ut ett par glasögon i kopieringspapper. det gick hem hos barnet. hoho. klipp vidare! skitfint i ramen! :D
i love this clipping piece!!! brilliant.
all that color is beautiful. and congratulations on such a wonderful collaboration!
oj, så vackra farger!
It is so beautiful, well done. Thanks for the inspiration.
WOOOH...Like this VERY much..framed it´s perfect :D
Related to paper cutting, I just got to tell you about my new hunting-thing...Got some big wallpaper books from paint shops here in DK...for free...1 or 2 times a year they throw the old books out, replace with new ones...as the designs changes.
Got my fingers in a big thick one today...nice to use for cut-outs :D
Just a tip to those of you who like to reuse and create...
petra, thank you for telling me :)
fruenswerk, good tip. Would love to get my hands on a wallpaper book!
that framed clipping is so gorgeous!
Lovely clipping / cutting!
i like your clipping. i think i will make one, too. this color is inspiring in spring.
It looks so beautiful framed Elisabeth! Also, well done on the collaboration with Mav, it's wonderful.
I love your clipping/cutting project! It's just very beautiful! Everything you touch turns to gold!
I love the colours of that framed piece. You are talented indeed.
I like your new head banner too.
My heart is fluttering from everything in this post!
I LOVE this! So inspiring.
that clipping/cutting is beautiful & simple!
what a great way to add some color to a room.
i also really love your new banner but especially that candelabra/deer horn type shape over to the right. so simple and pretty.
Hello! I just found your blog and I love it! and I love your work... I posted something about you in mine... hope you don't mind...
I'll be back for suuuure!
Flying away now...
I really love this piece framed, so beautiful.
love the clippings/cuttings. beautiful framed.
Love the colours here!
saw you on homebug.
you have a lovely blog. and i like your style!
wow, i love it! so glad i popped over to your blog today. this is beautiful, and looks even nicer framed. :)
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