From the beginning they (the kids) had a lot of fun with the fake leafs and lawn, but after a week they were pretty fed up with all things all over the walls and floor, and told me to clean up. So I had too.
Thanks for the inspiration! Your Blog is great! I'll build up some monsters at home with my kids tomorrow afternoon. Too bad I don't own no fake grass...
oh what i would give to live in that world for a day...
This is such a awesome idea! I love you idea of an faux -garden. I want to make one right away!
I love your creature:)
men å vilken go snubbe! o glassar som ligger o softar i gräset.
vad skönt o grönt o vårigt!
äre måhända rekvisita till..."hav av gröna blad"? :)
love your blog, glad you're back.
Rekvisita alright!
så härligt med gröna glada färger nu då det är så grått ute!
I love that face!
What a fabulous monster. Too bad the kids got sick of the fake grass; it's so chic!
nice idea and Cute works! wonderful!
How cute, so glad you got some pics before it all went away
UTE är så INNE!
Man blir hel lycklig av den där snubben!!
That looks so funny! Love it...
så fint så fint så fint om och om igen!
Thanks for the inspiration! Your Blog is great! I'll build up some monsters at home with my kids tomorrow afternoon. Too bad I don't own no fake grass...
Your kids were fed up of the mess? :)
Gorgeous wall display.
I always love your images!!!!
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