Peep of a new design coming to the shop later this summer - a pillow case called Rain.
This was a fun assignment. Unfortunatley this evil little thing was hiding in the grass that day
and bit me. So now I got the disease Borrelia :( But I belive in luck, and hope to get rid of it soon.
I hope you get well soon!
Usch, fästingar är hemska! Hoppas du mår bättre snart.. : ) Ser fram emot att se mer av regnkudden!
can't wait to see it!!!!
i despise ticks!!!! nearly everyone in my family has caught something from them but somehow i've been lucky. they're all fine & i'm sure you will be too. esp. with such a positive attitude. and the case is lovely. blue is my favorite.
men fy farao vad dumt! krya på dig. jag har aldrig råkat ut för någon och ska snart träffa världens hårigaste hund i vars päls det alltid kryper tusen stycken, ska ha ihjäl allihopa som hämnd å dina vägnar.
Oh no! How horrible hope you are all better soon!
Yikes a tick! I hope you get well soon! Can't wait to see the new design!
oh no! i'm so sorry elisabeth, i hope you're well soon! sun to you!
Outs, That´s not nice. I hope you get rid of that soon.
Borrelia! Even the name has a black-witch-aura to it! I am going to have to use it for a mean character one of this days..
Off! hørtes ikke bra ut.. håper du kommer deg raskt tilbake i fin form. Puten er kjempefin! :D
That pillow looks awesome! But that little thing looks digusting! Hope you'll get rid of it soon:)
Aj, inte bra..hoppas du blir bra fort..kram till dig..!
shit, fick du alltså en fästing o lyckades få borelia. läskigt! Nu blir jag helt nojig, jag kollade mig inte alls särskilt noga efteråt.
stor kram o kry på. å regnet ser ut att falla fint:)
Oh Elisabeth I'm so sorry to hear that, I read a bit more about it, really evil that creature is!
I'm sure with your positive attitude you will get rid of it.
Good vibrations to you!
Thanks girls. It will disappear soon I'm sure.
Sandra, ja vedergällning - tack gärna!
Cissi, ja jädrans. Vi pratade ju om det, att vi skulle kolla oss efteråt. Men det vore nästan konstigt om de skulle ha missat mig. Jag låg ju där i gräset som ett enda stort smörgåsbord rätt länge ju. Hoppas du klarade dig.
Up here we rarely have them, get well soon.
amen fy fan vad vidrigt tråååkigt mitt i allt roligt där i skogen. bu för fästingar. men du kommer fixa det där, im sure. krya på dej eller vad man säger. brrr.!
oh noo... i hope it disappears soon! i hope i hope. but rain looks so good!
oh no! i hope your well and about soon! i heard with the right treatment everything is gonna be okay in no time.
looks like a very pretty pillow!
get better soon! my mum once had it - with the right medication you should be fine. hope you're not suffering from headaches too much!
and that cushion looks lovely. love the irregularity of the delicate lines. another otto collaboration?
Kristina, no Otto is not involved this this time. Only his felt pens ;)
oh my god! i hate these!!! nasty!!!
get well soon!
the cushion looks gorgeous!
talk soon
gini ! )
i love your sneak peek at the new pillow case. sorry to hear you got sick from a tick. they are such horrible things and we get many here. the homeopathic ledum really helps with the bite, but i am sure you are doing all you can and i hope you feel better really soon.x
Euw, that looks like it'd have a scary bite! Hope you're feeling better soon. Your Rain Cushion is just divine :) Kx
looks a bit scary from so close on the images :s You'll surely be better soon!
Poor you... what a little rotter of a creature to have bitten you. Great cushion though.
fint mönster på kudde. vidrigt monster i gräset.
get well soon...
Hi.ticks. error on the side of caution. I had borrelia and babesiosis- for 40 years. I was always 'a little sick' until 10 years ago, then I was very sick. It took years to diagnose, and 5 years to get clear headed and strong again.I felt like I was 80, now I almost feel my age: 58. Going on 16. I hope you are lucky, but also smart.
Sara, that dosen't sound fun. Good that you're better now.
I'm sorry. I hope it's not the type of Borrelia that causes Lyme disease.
Just saw today, hope you are better now. Love the new pillow :)
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