
I will be eating my breakfast in Stockholm the next couple of days. Will be back again next week.

Enjoy simlply lovely breakfasts here.

Fourteen, lonley socks, fourteen! How is it possible, who takes them, where do they go ?!!

My husband has built a dark room in the bathroom :)))


I promised some more pics from the gorgeous home I photographed earlier this summer. Here it is. The magazine (Petit) is out now as well.


Out in the woods again. First some biking, then some hiking, and "fika" of course, cinnamon buns.


Took the tram straight to Saltholmen after school yesterday, for this summers last swim?


From the other daily kid walk. This fabolous Pippi Långstrump fence in the middle of the concrete block would brighten up any enviroment.

Our new every day walk. (Bigger pics here.) He´s started school now, and these trouses are far to small for him.


"We have furnished our house!".

Liivian Talossa, did it too, took pictures of the kids doll house.


Took the bike to the best chocolate shop in town this afternoon, Flickorna Kanolds. Truly tasteful and beautiful, handmade (!) chocolate. My favorite is a raspberries/dark chocolate piece.
Took the bike to the best chocolate shop in town this afternoon, Flickorna Kanolds. Truly tasteful and beatiful

A small sugar collection of deers (Tovalisas).

Makes me happy today, Cristopher Silas editorials.


The autumn is coming, and I`m prepared with a new H&M coat.


A nice day in Slottsskogen yesterday. Inspiration on the balcony this day.